Optical device and method for correcting chromatic aberrations

I Boubis, D Frieman, A Nachum - US Patent 8,792,170, 2014 - Google Patents
Imaging device and method, the device including receiver optics, a diffractive and focusing
surface, and a pair of diffractive and focusing arrangements, the receiver optics receiving …

Optical device and method for correcting chromatic aberrations

I Boubis, D Frieman, A Nachum - US Patent 8,792,170, 2014 - freepatentsonline.com
Imaging device and method, the device including receiver optics, a diffractive and focusing
surface, and a pair of diffractive and focusing arrangements, the receiver optics receiving …

Optical device and method for correcting chromatic aberrations

I Boubis, D Frieman, A Nachum - US Patent App. 13/254,844, 2012 - Google Patents
Imaging device and method, the device including receiver optics, a diffractive and focusing
surface, and a pair of diffractive and focusing arrangements, the receiver optics receiving …


I Boubis, D Frieman, A Nachum - US Patent App. 13 …, 2012 - freepatentsonline.com
Imaging device and method, the device including receiver optics, a diffractive and focusing
surface, and a pair of diffractive and focusing arrangements, the receiver optics receiving …