Systems, methods, interfaces and software for automated collection and integration of entity data into online databases and professional directories

Y Arumainayagam, CC Dozier - US Patent 7,571,174, 2009 - Google Patents
(54) SYSTEMS, METHODS, INTERFACES AND 4,878,175. A 10/1989 Norden-Paul et al.
SOFTWARE FOR AUTOMATED 4,887.212 A 12/1989 Zamora et al. COLLECTION AND …

Systems, methods, interfaces and software for automated collection and integration of entity data into online databases and professional directories

Y Arumainayagam, C Dozier - US Patent App. 11/028,464, 2005 - Google Patents
Post-trial motions to reduce the verdict as excessive were gra and the $15,000,000 award
for past pain and suffering was rec to $7,500,000, for a total award of $8,500,000. See …

Systems, methods, interfaces and software for automated collection and integration of entity data into online databases and professional directories

Y Arumainayagam, CC Dozier - US Patent 7,571,174, 2009 -
An information-retrieval system includes a server that receives queries for documents from
client devices and means for outputting results of queries to the client devices, with the …

Systems, methods, interfaces and software for automated collection and integration of entity data into online databases and professional directories

Y Arumainayagam, CC Dozier - US Patent App. 11/028,464, 2005 -
An information-retrieval system includes a server that receives queries for documents from
client devices and means for outputting results of queries to the client devices, with the …