Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody–induced mesangial cell damage in the rat

T Yamamoto, CB Wilson - Kidney international, 1987 - Elsevier
Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody–induced mesangial cell damage in the rat.
Intravenous administration of heterologous anti-rat thymocyte serum (ATS), which reacts …

Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody-induced mesangial cell damage in the rat.

T Yamamoto, CB Wilson - Kidney International, 1987 - europepmc.org
Intravenous administration of heterologous anti-rat thymocyte serum (ATS), which reacts
with a Thy-1-like antigen present on rat glomerular mesangial cells, caused lytic (1 hr to 2 …

Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody–induced mesangial cell damage in the rat

T Yamamoto, CB Wilson - Kidney International, 1987 - kidney-international.org
Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody–induced mesangial cell damage in the rat.
Intravenous administration of heterologous anti-rat thymocyte serum (ATS), which reacts …

[引用][C] Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody-induced mesangial cell damage in the rat

T YAMAMOTO, CB WILSON - Kidney international, 1987 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody-induced mesangial cell damage in the rat
CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple …

Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody-induced mesangial cell damage in the rat.

T Yamamoto, CB Wilson - Kidney International, 1987 - search.ebscohost.com
Intravenous administration of heterologous anti-rat thymocyte serum (ATS), which reacts
with a Thy-1-like antigen present un rat glomerular mesangial cells, caused lytic (1 hr to 2 …

[引用][C] Quantitative and qualitative studies of mesangial cell damage

T YAMAMOTO - Kidney Int., 1987 - cir.nii.ac.jp

Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody-induced mesangial cell damage in the rat

T Yamamoto, CB Wilson - Kidney international, 1987 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Intravenous administration of heterologous anti-rat thymocyte serum (ATS), which reacts
with a Thy-1-like antigen present on rat glomerular mesangial cells, caused lytic (1 hr to 2 …

[引用][C] Quantitative and qualitative studies of antibody-induced mesangial cell damage in the rat

T YAMAMOTO, CB WILSON - Kidney international, 1987 - Nature Publishing Group