[HTML][HTML] Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - The Journal of chemical physics, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
Polarizable continuum solvation models are nowadays the most popular approach to
describe solvent effects in the context of quantum mechanical calculations. Unexpectedly …

Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016 - inis.iaea.org
[en] Polarizable continuum solvation models are nowadays the most popular approach to
describe solvent effects in the context of quantum mechanical calculations. Unexpectedly …

Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016 - osti.gov
Polarizable continuum solvation models are nowadays the most popular approach to
describe solvent effects in the context of quantum mechanical calculations. Unexpectedly …

[引用][C] Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions | CiNii
Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 …

Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions.

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016 - europepmc.org
Polarizable continuum solvation models are nowadays the most popular approach to
describe solvent effects in the context of quantum mechanical calculations. Unexpectedly …

[PDF][PDF] Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2016 - core.ac.uk
Polarizable continuum solvation models are nowadays the most popular approach to
describe solvent effects in the context of quantum mechanical calculations. Unexpectedly …

Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
Polarizable continuum solvation models are nowadays the most popular approach to
describe solvent effects in the context of quantum mechanical calculations. Unexpectedly …

Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Polarizable continuum solvation models are nowadays the most popular approach to
describe solvent effects in the context of quantum mechanical calculations. Unexpectedly …

Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2016 - arpi.unipi.it
Polarizable continuum solvation models are nowadays the most popular approach to
describe solvent effects in the context of quantum mechanical calculations. Unexpectedly …

Perspective: Polarizable continuum models for quantum-mechanical descriptions

F Lipparini, B Mennucci - The Journal of chemical physics, 2016 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Polarizable continuum solvation models are nowadays the most popular approach to
describe solvent effects in the context of quantum mechanical calculations. Unexpectedly …