Humility within culturally responsive methodologies

S SooHoo - Culturally responsive methodologies, 2013 -
My initial mistake was to try to essentialize the river. In the act of trying to hold it, capture it,
and name its elements, I soon realized that it has many forms. The river was at times still and …

Humility Within Culturally Responsive Methodologies

S SooHoo - Culturally Responsive Methodologies, 2013 -
My initial mistake was to try to essentialize the river. In the act of trying to hold it, capture it,
and name its elements, I soon realized that it has many forms. The river was at times still and …

[引用][C] Humility within culturally responsive methodologies

S SooHoo - 2013 -
Suzanne SooHoo, Humility within culturally responsive methodologies - PhilPapers Sign in |
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