[HTML][HTML] Transferability of the Mediterranean diet to non-Mediterranean countries. What is and what is not the Mediterranean diet

MÁ Martínez-González, MS Hershey, I Zazpe… - Nutrients, 2017 - mdpi.com
Substantial evidence has verified the Mediterranean diet's (MedDiet) nutritional adequacy,
long-term sustainability, and effectiveness for preventing hard clinical events from …

Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to Non-Mediterranean Countries. What Is and What Is Not the Mediterranean Diet

MÁ Martínez-González, MS Hershey, I Zazpe… - …, 2017 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Substantial evidence has verified the Mediterranean diet's (MedDiet) nutritional adequacy,
long-term sustainability, and effectiveness for preventing hard clinical events from …

Transferability of the Mediterranean diet to non-Mediterranean countries. What is and what is not the Mediterranean diet.

MÁ Martínez-González, MS Hershey, I Zazpe… - 2017 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Substantial evidence has verified the Mediterranean diet's (MedDiet) nutritional adequacy,
long-term sustainability, and effectiveness for preventing hard clinical events from …

Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to Non-Mediterranean Countries. What Is and What Is Not the Mediterranean Diet.

MÁ Martínez-González, MS Hershey, I Zazpe… - Nutrients, 2017 - europepmc.org
Substantial evidence has verified the Mediterranean diet's (MedDiet) nutritional adequacy,
long-term sustainability, and effectiveness for preventing hard clinical events from …

[引用][C] Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to Non-Mediterranean Countries. What Is and What Is Not the Mediterranean Diet

M Martínez-González, M Hershey, I Zazpe… - Nutrients, 2017 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to Non-Mediterranean Countries. What Is and What Is
Not the Mediterranean Diet | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ …

[引用][C] Transferability of the Mediterranean diet to non-Mediterranean countries. What is and what is not the Mediterranean diet

MÁ Martínez-González, MS Hershey, I Zazpe… - …, 2017 - produccioncientifica.ucm.es

[PDF][PDF] Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to Non-Mediterranean Countries. What Is and What Is Not the Mediterranean Diet

MÁ Martínez-González, MS Hershey, I Zazpe… - academia.edu
Substantial evidence has verified the Mediterranean diet's (MedDiet) nutritional adequacy,
long-term sustainability, and effectiveness for preventing hard clinical events from …

Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to Non-Mediterranean Countries. What Is and What Is Not the Mediterranean Diet

M Martínez-González, M Hershey, I Zazpe… - Nutrients, 2017 - agris.fao.org
Substantial evidence has verified the Mediterranean diet's (MedDiet) nutritional adequacy,
long-term sustainability, and effectiveness for preventing hard clinical events from …

[PDF][PDF] Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to Non-Mediterranean Countries. What Is and What Is Not the Mediterranean Diet

MÁ Martínez-González, MS Hershey, I Zazpe… - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Substantial evidence has verified the Mediterranean diet's (MedDiet) nutritional adequacy,
long-term sustainability, and effectiveness for preventing hard clinical events from …

[HTML][HTML] Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to Non-Mediterranean Countries. What Is and What Is Not the Mediterranean Diet

MÁ Martínez-González, MS Hershey, I Zazpe… - Nutrients, 2017 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Substantial evidence has verified the Mediterranean diet's (MedDiet) nutritional adequacy,
long-term sustainability, and effectiveness for preventing hard clinical events from …