Emergency vascular repair prosthesis

EA Theobald, KJ Tekulve - US Patent 9,089,413, 2015 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND The present disclosure relates generally to medical devices for emergency
repair of body vessels. More particularly, it relates to prosthesis systems used for connecting …

Emergency vascular repair prosthesis

EA Theobald, KJ Tekulve - US Patent App. 14/489,047, 2015 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0002 The present disclosure relates generally to medical devices for
emergency repair of body vessels. More particu larly, it relates to prosthesis systems used …

Emergency vascular repair prosthesis

EA Theobald, KJ Tekulve - US Patent 9,089,413, 2015 - freepatentsonline.com
A prosthesis system for repair of a transected body vessel is provided. The system can
include first and second prostheses each including a tubular graft body and a support …


EA Theobald, KJ Tekulve - US Patent App. 14/489,047, 2015 - freepatentsonline.com
A prosthesis system for repair of a transected body vessel is provided. The system can
include first and second prostheses each including a tubular graft body and a support …