[HTML][HTML] Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae)

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz, L Kratochvšl - Scientific reports, 2017 - nature.com
Turtles demonstrate variability in sex determination ranging from environmental sex
determination (ESD) to highly differentiated sex chromosomes. However, the evolutionary …

[PDF][PDF] Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae)

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz, L Kratochvíl - academia.edu
Results In total, six genes were tested for Z-specificity by qPCR in ten trionychid species. As
the primers for the qPCR were designed based on P. sinensis genomic sequences, some of …

[PDF][PDF] Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae)

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz, L Kratochvíl - researchgate.net
Results In total, six genes were tested for Z-specificity by qPCR in ten trionychid species. As
the primers for the qPCR were designed based on P. sinensis genomic sequences, some of …

[HTML][HTML] Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae)

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz, L Kratochvšl - Scientific Reports, 2017 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Turtles demonstrate variability in sex determination ranging from environmental sex
determination (ESD) to highly differentiated sex chromosomes. However, the evolutionary …

[PDF][PDF] Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae)

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz, L Kratochvíl - cyberleninka.org
Results In total, six genes were tested for Z-specificity by qPCR in ten trionychid species. As
the primers for the qPCR were designed based on P. sinensis genomic sequences, some of …

Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae).

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz… - Scientific …, 2017 - search.ebscohost.com
Turtles demonstrate variability in sex determination ranging from environmental sex
determination (ESD) to highly differentiated sex chromosomes. However, the evolutionary …

Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae).

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz, L Kratochvšl - Scientific Reports, 2017 - europepmc.org
Turtles demonstrate variability in sex determination ranging from environmental sex
determination (ESD) to highly differentiated sex chromosomes. However, the evolutionary …

Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae)

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz… - Scientific …, 2017 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Turtles demonstrate variability in sex determination ranging from environmental sex
determination (ESD) to highly differentiated sex chromosomes. However, the evolutionary …

[PDF][PDF] Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae)

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz, L Kratochvíl - turtle-island.org
Results In total, six genes were tested for Z-specificity by qPCR in ten trionychid species. As
the primers for the qPCR were designed based on P. sinensis genomic sequences, some of …

Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae).

M Rovatsos, P Praschag, U Fritz, L Kratochvšl - 2017 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Turtles demonstrate variability in sex determination ranging from environmental sex
determination (ESD) to highly differentiated sex chromosomes. However, the evolutionary …