Overreaction in macroeconomic expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma, A Shleifer - American Economic Review, 2020 - aeaweb.org
We study the rationality of individual and consensus forecasts of macroeconomic and
financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015), who …

Overreaction in Macroeconomic Expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma… - American Economic …, 2020 - ideas.repec.org
We study the rationality of individual and consensus forecasts of macroeconomic and
financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015), who …

Overreaction in Macroeconomic Expectations.

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma… - American Economic …, 2020 - search.ebscohost.com
We study the rationality of individual and consensus forecasts of macroeconomic and
financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015), who …

Over-reaction in Macroeconomic Expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma, A Shleifer - 2018 - policycommons.net
We study the rationality of individual and consensus professional forecasts of
macroeconomic and financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and …

Over-reaction in Macroeconomic Expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma, A Shleifer - 2018 - nber.org
We study the rationality of individual and consensus professional forecasts of
macroeconomic and financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and …

Over-Reaction in Macroeconomic Expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma, A Shleifer - NBER Working Paper, 2018 - papers.ssrn.com
We study the rationality of individual and consensus professional forecasts of
macroeconomic and financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and …

Overreaction in Macroeconomic Expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma, A Shleifer - American Economic Review, 2020 - cir.nii.ac.jp
抄録< jats: p> We study the rationality of individual and consensus forecasts of
macroeconomic and financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and …

[PDF][PDF] Overreaction in Macroeconomic Expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma, A Shleifer - didattica.unibocconi.it
We study the rationality of individual and consensus forecasts of macroeconomic and
financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015), who …

Overreaction in Macroeconomic Expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma… - American Economic …, 2020 - econpapers.repec.org
We study the rationality of individual and consensus forecasts of macroeconomic and
financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015), who …

[PDF][PDF] Overreaction in Macroeconomic Expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma, A Shleifer - 2018 - scholar.harvard.edu
We examine the rationality of individual and consensus professional forecasts of
macroeconomic and financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and …