ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation

P Hagoort, CM Brown - Neuropsychologia, 2000 - Elsevier
In this study, event-related brain potential effects of speech processing are obtained and
compared to similar effects in sentence reading. In two experiments sentences were …

[引用][C] ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation

P Hagoort, CM Brown - Neuropsychologia, 2000 -
ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations
in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学 …

[引用][C] ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation

P HAGOORT, CM BROWN - Neuropsychologia, 2000 -
ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading : the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in
spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal …

ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation

P Hagoort, CM Brown - Neuropsychologia, 2000 -
In this study, event-related brain potential effects of speech processing are obtained and
compared to similar effects in sentence reading. In two experiments sentences were …

ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation

P Hagoort, CM Brown - Neuropsychologia, 2000 -
In this study, event-related brain potential ffects of speech processing are obtained and
compared to similar effects in sentence reading. In two experiments sentences were …

ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation.

P Hagoort, CM Brown - Neuropsychologia, 2000 -
In this study, event-related brain potential effects of speech processing are obtained and
compared to similar effects in sentence reading. In two experiments sentences were …

ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation

P Hagoort, CM Brown - Neuropsychologia, 2000 -
In this study, event-related brain potential effects of speech processing are obtained and
compared to similar effects in sentence reading. In two experiments sentences were …

[引用][C] ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation

P Hagoort, CM Brown - 2000 -
ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: the P600/SPS to syntactic violations in
spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation Toggle navigation Radboud Repository …

ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: The P600/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation.

P Hagoort, CM Brown - Neuropsychologia, 2000 -
In this study, event-related brain potential effects of speech processing are obtained and
compared to similar effects in sentence reading. In 2 experiments sentences were presented …

[引用][C] ERP effects of listening to speech compared to reading: The P6000/SPS to syntactic violations in spoken sentences and rapid serial visual presentation

P Hagoort, CM Brown - 2000 -
In this study, event-related brain potential effects of speech processing are obtained and
compared to similar effects in sentence reading. In two experiments sentences were …