Obesity and heart disease: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Nutrition Committee, American Heart Association

RH Eckel - Circulation, 1997 - Am Heart Assoc
Obesity is an increasingly prevalent metabolic disorder affecting not only the US population
but also that of the developing world. It is estimated from the third National Health and …

[引用][C] Obesity and heart disease: A statement for healthcare professionals from the Nutrition Committee, American Heart Association

E RH - Circulation, 1997 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Obesity and heart disease : A statement for healthcare professionals from the Nutrition
Committee, American Heart Association | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報 …

[引用][C] Obesity and heart disease: A statement for healthcare professionals from the nutrition committee, American Heart Association

RH ECKEL - Circulation (New York, NY), 1997 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Obesity and heart disease: A statement for healthcare professionals from the nutrition
committee, American Heart Association CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and …

[引用][C] Obesity and heart disease: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Nutrition Committee, American Heart Association.

RH Eckel - Circulation, 1997 - europepmc.org
Obesity and heart disease: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Nutrition Committee,
American Heart Association. - Abstract - Europe PMC Sign in | Create an account https://orcid.org …

[引用][C] Obesity and Heart Disease

RH Eckel - Circulation, 1997 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Obesity and Heart Disease | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ
] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本をさがす 日本の博士論文を …

[引用][C] Obesity and heart disease: A statement for healthcare professionals from the nutrition committee, American Heart Association

RH ECKEL - Circulation, 1997 - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins