Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system

YW Feng, I Yoshinaga, E Shiratani, T Hitomi… - Agricultural water …, 2004 - Elsevier
We explored the characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area that had a
recycling irrigation system and evaluated the paddy field's effect on the removal of nutrients …

[引用][C] Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system

YW FENG, I YOSHINAGA… - Agricultural water …, 2004 -
Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling
irrigation system CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic …

Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system

YW Feng, I Yoshinaga, E Shiratani… - Agricultural Water …, 2004 -
We explored the characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area that had a
recycling irrigation system and evaluated the paddy field's effect on the removal of nutrients …

[引用][C] Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system

YW Feng, I Yoshinaga, E Shiratani… - Agricultural Water …, 2004 -
Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling
irrigation system IDEAS home Advanced search Economic literature: papers, articles, software …

[引用][C] Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system

YW Feng, I Yoshinaga, E Shiratani… - Agricultural Water …, 2004 -
EconPapers: Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a
recycling irrigation system EconPapers Economics at your fingertips EconPapers Home …

Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system.

YW Feng, I Yoshinaga, E Shiratani, T Hitomi, H Hasebe - 2004 -
We explored the characteristics and behaviour of nutrients in a paddy field area that had a
recycling irrigation system and evaluated the paddy field's effect on the removal of nutrients …

Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system

YW Feng, I Yoshinaga, E Shiratani, T Hitomi… - Agricultural Water …, 2004 -
We explored the characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area that had a
recycling irrigation system and evaluated the paddy field's effect on the removal of nutrients …

[引用][C] Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system

YW Feng, I Yoshinaga, E Shiratani, T Hitomi… - Agricultural Water …, 2004 -
Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling
irrigation system | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ …

[引用][C] Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system

YW FENG - Agric. Water Manag., 2004 -
Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling
irrigation system | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ …

[引用][C] Characteristics and behavior of nutrients in a paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation system

YW FENG, I YOSHINAGA, E SHIRATANI… - Agricultural water …, 2004 - Elsevier