Evaluation and test of the response matrix of a multisphere neutron spectrometer in a wide energy range: Part II. Simulation

A Aroua, M Grecescu, M Lanfranchi, P Lerch… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 1992 - Elsevier
The response matrix of a multispehere neutron spectrometer has been calculated using the
ANISN particles transport code and a recent condensed cross-section library. The matrix has …

Evaluation and test of the response matrix of a multisphere neutron spectrometer in a wide energy range. Pt. 2; Simulation

A Aroua, M Grecescu, M Lanfranchi, P Lerch… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 1992 - osti.gov
The response matrix of a multisphere neutron spectrometer has been calculated using the
ANISN particles transport code and a recent condensed cross-section library. The matrix has …

Evaluation and test of the response matrix of a multisphere neutron spectrometer in a wide energy range. Pt. 2

A Aroua, M Grecescu, M Lanfranchi, P Lerch… - … and Methods in …, 1992 - inis.iaea.org
[en] The response matrix of a multisphere neutron spectrometer has been calculated using
the ANISN particles transport code and a recent condensed cross-section library. The matrix …

Evaluation and test of the response matrix of a multisphere neutron spectrometer in a wide energy range Part II. Simulation

A Aroua, M Grecescu, M Lanfranchi… - … and Methods in …, 1992 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
The response matrix of a multispehere neutron spectrometer has been calculated using the
ANISN particles transport code and a recent condensed cross-section library. The matrix has …