Crayfish escape behavior: production of tailflips without giant fiber activity

Journal of neurophysiology, 1984 -
The giant interneurons of the crayfish nerve cord are well-known mediators of fast tail
flexions," tailflips," that propel animals through the water away from danger. More recent …

Crayfish escape behavior: production of tailflips without giant fiber activity

AP Kramer, FB Krasne - Journal of neurophysiology, 1984 -
The giant interneurons of the crayfish nerve cord are well-known mediators of fast tail
flexions," tailflips," that propel animals through the water away from danger. More recent …

Crayfish escape behavior: production of tailflips without giant fiber activity

AP Kramer, FB Krasne - Journal of Neurophysiology, 1984 -
抄録< jats: p> The giant interneurons of the crayfish nerve cord are well-known mediators of
fast tail flexions," tailflips," that propel animals through the water away from danger. More …

Crayfish escape behavior: production of tailflips without giant fiber activity.

AP Kramer, FB Krasne - Journal of Neurophysiology, 1984 -
The giant interneurons of the crayfish nerve cord are well-known mediators of fast tail
flexions," tailflips," that propel animals through the water away from danger. More recent …

Crayfish escape behavior: Production of tailflips without giant fiber activity.

AP Kramer, FB Krasne - Journal of Neurophysiology, 1984 -
Explored the role of large but nongiant, segmentally originating premotor interneurons,
which are part of the giant tailflip motor-patterning circuitry in the crayfish (Procambarus …

[引用][C] Crayfish escape behavior: production of tailflips without giant fiber activity

AP KRAMER, FB KRASNE - Journal of neurophysiology, 1984 -
Crayfish escape behavior: production of tailflips without giant fiber activity CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis
CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search …

[引用][C] Crayfish escape behavior: production of tailflips without giant fiber activity

AP KRAMER, FB KRASNE - Journal of …, 1984 - American Physiological Society