Bond risk premia and realized jump risk

JH Wright, H Zhou - Journal of Banking & Finance, 2009 - Elsevier
We find that augmenting a regression of excess bond returns on the term structure of forward
rates with an estimate of the mean realized jump size almost doubles the R2 of the …

[引用][C] Bond risk premia and realized jump risk.

JH Wright, H Zhou - Journal of banking and finance, 2009 -

[PDF][PDF] Bond Risk Premia and Realized Jump Risk

JH Wright, H Zhou - Available at SSRN 1319126, 2008 -
We find that augmenting a regression of excess bond returns on the term structure of forward
rates with a rolling estimate of the mean realized jump size-identified from high-frequency …

Bond risk premia and realized jump risk

JH Wright, H Zhou - Journal of Banking & Finance, 2009 -
We find that augmenting a regression of excess bond returns on the term structure of forward
rates with an estimate of the mean realized jump size almost doubles the R2 of the …

[PDF][PDF] Bond Risk Premia and Realized Jump Risk

J Wright, H Zhou -
We find that augmenting a regression of excess bond returns on the term structure of forward
rates with a rolling estimate of the mean realized jump size—identified from high-frequency …

Bond risk premia and realized jump risk

J Wright, H Zhou - Journal of Banking & Finance, 2009 -
We find that augmenting a regression of excess bond returns on the term structure of forward
rates with an estimate of the mean realized jump size almost doubles the R2 of the …

Bond risk premia and realized jump risk

JH Wright, H Zhou - Journal of Banking and Finance, 2009 -
We find that augmenting a regression of excess bond returns on the term structure of forward
rates with an estimate of the mean realized jump size almost doubles the R2 of the …

Bond Risk Premia and Realized Jump Risk

JH Wright, H Zhou - Journal of Banking and Finance, Forthcoming …, 2009 -
We find that augmenting a regression of excess bond returns on the term structure of forward
rates with an estimate of the mean realized jump size almost doubles the R2 of the …

Bond risk premia and realized jump risk

JH Wright, H Zhou - Journal of Banking and Finance, 2009 -
We find that augmenting a regression of excess bond returns on the term structure of forward
rates with an estimate of the mean realized jump size almost doubles the R2 of the …