Desfechos de longo prazo do tampão de fístula (Gore) versus ligadura do trato da fístula interesfincteriana (LIFT) para fístula anal

A Alhaddad, A Mouzannar, A Ashraf… - … of Coloproctology (Rio …, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
Background: The surgical treatment of anal fistula is complex due to the possibility of fecal
incontinence. Fistulotomy and cutting Setons have the same incidence of fecal incontinence …

Desfechos de longo prazo do tampão de fístula (Gore) versus ligadura do trato da fístula interesfincteriana (LIFT) para fístula anal

A Alhaddad, A Mouzannar, A Ashraf… - … of Coloproctology (Rio …, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
Background: The surgical treatment of anal fistula is complex due to the possibility of fecal
incontinence. Fistulotomy and cutting Setons have the same incidence of fecal incontinence …