Exoplanet imaging with mid-infrared vector vortex coronagraphs: design, manufacture, validation and first light of the annular groove phase mask
C Delacroix - 2013 - orbi.uliege.be
During the past twenty years, detections of extrasolar planets have flourished and grown
expo-nentially, reaching almost 900 confirmed exoplanets so far. This number is doubling …
expo-nentially, reaching almost 900 confirmed exoplanets so far. This number is doubling …
[PDF][PDF] Exoplanet imaging with mid-infrared vector vortex coronagraphs: design, manufacture, validation and first light of the annular groove phase mask
C Delacroix - 2013 - core.ac.uk
Exoplanet imaging with mid-infrared vector vortex coronagraphs: design, manufacture, validation
and first light of the annular g Page 1 Faculté des Sciences Département d’Astrophysique …
and first light of the annular g Page 1 Faculté des Sciences Département d’Astrophysique …