Political liberalism, civic education, and educational choice

G Davis, B Neufeld - Social Theory and Practice, 2007 - JSTOR
In Political Liberalism, John Rawls briefly considers the scope of the" requirements the state
can impose" on the education of children belong ing to" religious sects [that] oppose the …

Political Liberalism, Civic Education, and Educational Choice.

G Davis, B Neufeld - Social Theory & Practice, 2007 - search.ebscohost.com
This article shows that the arguments advanced by Amy Gutmann and Eamonn Callan are
flawed in certain critical respects, and that the convergence thesis in any case cannot do …

Political Liberalism, Civic Education, and Educational Choice

B Neufeld - Social Theory and Practice, 2007 - philpapers.org
In this paper we argue that John Rawls's account of political liberalism requires a conception
of mutual respect that differs from the one advanced in A Theory of Justice. We formulate …

[引用][C] Political liberalism, civic education, and educational choice

G DAVIS, B NEUFELD - Social theory and practice, 2007 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Political liberalism, civic education, and educational choice CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS
Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search by …

Political Liberalism, civic education, and educational choice

G Davis, B Neufeld - Social Theory and Practice, 2007 - go.gale.com
In Political Liberalism, John Rawls briefly considers the scope of the" requirements the state
can impose" on the education of children belonging to" religious sects [that] oppose the …

Political Liberalism, Civic Education, and Educational Choice

G Davis, B Neufeld - Social Theory and Practice, 2007 - pdcnet.org
In Political Liberalism, John Rawls briefly considers the scope of the “requirements the state
can impose” on the education of children belonging to “religious sects [that] oppose the …

Political Liberalism, Civic Education, and Educational Choice

G Davis, B Neufeld - Social Theory and Practice, 2007 - search.proquest.com
Indeed, contrary to what the convergence thesis claims, we will show that political liberalism
has significant practical implications for civic education, and consequently for contemporary …

[引用][C] Political liberalism, civic education, and educational choice

G DAVIS, B NEUFELD - Social theory …, 2007 - Florida State University, Department …