[PDF][PDF] Current status of coffee genetic resources: implications for conservation–case study in Madagascar

S Krishnan, TA Ranker, AP Davis - researchgate.net
Coffee genetic resources are being lost at a rapid pace, leading to loss of genetic diversity.
Various threats contribute to the erosion of coffee genetic diversity such as human …

Current status of coffee genetic resources: implications for conservation-case study in Madagascar.

S Krishnan, TA Ranker, AP Davis, JJ Rakotomalala - 2015 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Coffee genetic resources are being lost at a rapid pace, leading to loss of genetic diversity.
Various threats contribute to the erosion of coffee genetic diversity such as human …

[引用][C] Current status of coffee genetic resources: implications for conservation–case study in Madagascar

S Krishnan, TA Ranker, AP Davis, JJ Rakotomalala - 2015