Artificial intelligence segmentation of tissue images

S Yip, I Ho, L Sha, B Osinski - US Patent 10,991,097, 2021 - Google Patents
Techniques for generating an overlay map on a digital medical image of a slide are
provided, and include cell detection and tissue classification processes. Techniques include …

Artificial intelligence segmentation of tissue images

S Yip, I Ho, L Sha, B Osinski - US Patent App. 16/732,242, 2020 - Google Patents
Techniques for generating an overlay map on a digital medical image of a slide are
provided, and include cell detection and tissue classification processes. Techniques include …

Artificial intelligence segmentation of tissue images

S Yip, I Ho, L Sha, B Osinski - US Patent 10,991,097, 2021 -
Techniques for generating an overlay map on a digital medical image of a slide are
provided, and include cell detection and tissue classification processes. Techniques include …


S Yip, I Ho, L Sha, B Osinski - US Patent App. 16/732,242, 2020 -
Techniques for generating an overlay map on a digital medical image of a slide are
provided, and include cell detection and tissue classification processes. Techniques include …