
이태연 - 환경교육, 2002 - koreascience.kr
So far, the environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) model has been applied
successfully to explain environment behaviors. But the ERB model has several limitations …


이태연 - 環境敎育, 2002 - kiss.kstudy.com
So far, the environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) model has been applied
successfully to explain environment behaviors. But the ERB model has several limitations …


이태연 - 환경교육, 2002 - dbpia.co.kr
Abstract 80 far, the envIronmentally responSIble behrn/lor (ERB) model has been apl] hed
SUCCessfuuy to explaIn enVIronment behavIors But 다 Ie ERB model has Several …


이태연 - 環境敎育, 2002 - kiss.kstudy.com
So far, the environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) model has been applied
successfully to explain environment behaviors. But the ERB model has several limitations …