Risk factors for thyroid cancer: a prospective cohort study

SA Navarro Silvera, AB Miller… - International journal of …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Given the higher incidence rate of thyroid cancer among women compared to men and
evidence that smoking and alcohol consumption may be inversely related to thyroid cancer …

Risk factors for thyroid cancer: a prospective cohort study.

SAN Silvera, AB Miller, TE Rohan - 2005 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Given the higher incidence rate of thyroid cancer among women compared to men and
evidence that smoking and alcohol consumption may be inversely related to thyroid cancer …

[引用][C] Risk factors for thyroid cancer: A prospective cohort study

SA NAVARRO SILVERA, AB MILLER… - … journal of cancer, 2005 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Risk factors for thyroid cancer : A prospective cohort study CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS
Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search by …

Risk factors for thyroid cancer: a prospective cohort study

SAN Silvera, AB Miller… - International journal of …, 2005 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Given the higher incidence rate of thyroid cancer among women compared to men and
evidence that smoking and alcohol consumption may be inversely related to thyroid cancer …

Risk factors for thyroid cancer: A prospective cohort study

SAN Silvera, AB Miller, TE Rohan - International Journal of Cancer, 2005 - cir.nii.ac.jp
抄録< jats: title> Abstract</jats: title>< jats: p> Given the higher incidence rate of thyroid
cancer among women compared to men and evidence that smoking and alcohol …

Risk factors for thyroid cancer: A prospective cohort study

SA Navarro Silvera, AB Miller… - Epidemiology, 2005 - digitalcommons.montclair.edu
Given the higher incidence rate of thyroid cancer among women compared to men and
evidence that smoking and alcohol consumption may be inversely related to thyroid cancer …

Risk factors for thyroid cancer: A prospective cohort study

SAN Silvera, AB Miller… - … Journal of Cancer, 2005 - researchwith.montclair.edu
Given the higher incidence rate of thyroid cancer among women compared to men and
evidence that smoking and alcohol consumption may be inversely related to thyroid cancer …

Risk factors for thyroid cancer: A prospective cohort study

SAN Silvera, AB Miller… - International Journal of …, 2005 - einstein.elsevierpure.com
Given the higher incidence rate of thyroid cancer among women compared to men and
evidence that smoking and alcohol consumption may be inversely related to thyroid cancer …

[PDF][PDF] Risk factors for thyroid cancer: A prospective cohort study

SAN Silvera, AB Miller, TE Rohan - Int. J. Cancer, 2005 - academia.edu
Given the higher incidence rate of thyroid cancer among women compared to men and
evidence that smoking and alcohol consumption may be inversely related to thyroid cancer …

Risk factors for thyroid cancer: a prospective cohort study.

NS SA, AB Miller, TE Rohan - International Journal of Cancer, 2005 - europepmc.org
Given the higher incidence rate of thyroid cancer among women compared to men and
evidence that smoking and alcohol consumption may be inversely related to thyroid cancer …