Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct

H Rodríguez-Martínez, F Saravia, M Wallgren… - Theriogenology, 2005 - Elsevier
In the pig, a functional tubal sperm reservoir (SR) is established before ovulation to ensure
availability of suitable numbers of viable spermatozoa for fertilization. The boar's large …

Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct.

H Rodríguez-Martínez, F Saravia, M Wallgren… - …, 2005 -
In the pig, a functional tubal sperm reservoir (SR) is established before ovulation to ensure
availability of suitable numbers of viable spermatozoa for fertilization. The boar's large …

Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct

H Rodríguez-Martínez, F Saravia… - …, 2005 -
In the pig, a functional tubal sperm reservoir (SR) is established before ovulation to ensure
availability of suitable numbers of viable spermatozoa for fertilization. The boar's large …

Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct.

H Rodríguez-Martínez, F Saravia, M Wallgren… - 2005 -
In the pig, a functional tubal sperm reservoir (SR) is established before ovulation to ensure
availability of suitable numbers of viable spermatozoa for fertilization. The boar's large …

[引用][C] Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct

H RODRIGUEZ-MARTINEZ - Theriogenology, 2005 -
Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ
[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本をさがす 日本の …

Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct

H Rodriguez-Martinez, F Saravia, M Wallgren… - …, 2005 -
In the pig, a functional tubal sperm reservoir (SR) is established before ovulation to ensure
availability of suitable numbers of viable spermatozoa for fertilization. The boars large …

[PDF][PDF] Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct

H Rodrıguez-Martıneza, F Saraviaa, M Wallgrena… - …, 2005 -
In the pig, a functional tubal sperm reservoir (SR) is established before ovulation to ensure
availability of suitable numbers of viable spermatozoa for fertilization. The boar's large …

Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct

H Rodríguez-Martínez, F Saravia, M Wallgren… - Theriogenology, 2005 -
In the pig, a functional tubal sperm reservoir (SR) is established before ovulation to ensure
availability of suitable numbers of viable spermatozoa for fertilization. The boar's large …

[PDF][PDF] Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct

H Rodrıguez-Martınez, F Saravia, M Wallgren… - …, 2005 -
In the pig, a functional tubal sperm reservoir (SR) is established before ovulation to ensure
availability of suitable numbers of viable spermatozoa for fertilization. The boar's large …

[PDF][PDF] Boar spermatozoa in the oviduct

H Rodrıguez-Martıneza, F Saraviaa, M Wallgrena… - …, 2005 -
In the pig, a functional tubal sperm reservoir (SR) is established before ovulation to ensure
availability of suitable numbers of viable spermatozoa for fertilization. The boar's large …