Efficient rebuilding of protein structures

GJ Kleywegt, TA Jones - Acta Crystallographica Section D …, 1996 - journals.iucr.org
A computer program, called OOPS, is described which facilitates and speeds up the process
of rebuilding a protein structure inside its electron density and reduces the chances of local …

[PDF][PDF] Efficient Rebuilding of Protein Structures

Acta Co'st, 1996 - greeley.org
A computer program, called OOPS, is described which facilitates and speeds up the process
of rebuilding a protein structure inside its electron density and reduces the chances of local …

[PDF][PDF] Efficient Rebuilding of Protein Structures

Acta Co'st, 1996 - greeley.org
A computer program, called OOPS, is described which facilitates and speeds up the process
of rebuilding a protein structure inside its electron density and reduces the chances of local …

Efficient rebuilding of protein structures.

GJ Kleywegt, TA Jones - Acta crystallographica. Section D …, 1996 - europepmc.org
A computer program, called OOPS, is described which facilitates and speeds up the process
of rebuilding a protein structure inside its electron density and reduces the chances of local …

Efficient rebuilding of protein structures

GJ Kleywegt, TA Jones - Acta crystallographica. Section D …, 1996 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
A computer program, called OOPS, is described which facilitates and speeds up the process
of rebuilding a protein structure inside its electron density and reduces the chances of local …

Efficient rebuilding of protein structures

GJ Kleywegt, TA Jones - ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D …, 1996 - diva-portal.org
A computer program, called OOPS, is described which facilitates and speeds up the process
of rebuilding a protein structure inside its electron density and reduces the chances of local …

Efficient Rebuilding of Protein Structures

GJ Kleywegt, TA Jones - Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological …, 1996 - scripts.iucr.org
A computer program, called OOPS, is described which facilitates and speeds up the process
of rebuilding a protein structure inside its electron density and reduces the chances of local …

Efficient rebuilding of protein structures

GJ Kleywegt, TA Jones - ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D …, 1996 - swepub.kb.se
A computer program, called OOPS, is described which facilitates and speeds up the process
of rebuilding a protein structure inside its electron density and reduces the chances of local …

Efficient Rebuilding of Protein Structures

GJ Kleywegt, TA Jones - Acta Crystallographica Section D, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
A computer program, called OOPS, is described which facilitates and speeds up the process
of rebuilding a protein structure inside its electron density and reduces the chances of local …

[引用][C] Efficient Rebuilding of Protein Structures

GJ Kleywegt, TA Jones - Acta Crystallographica Section D, 1996 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
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