Uniform product of Ag, n (V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra

M Miyamoto, K Tanabe - Journal of Algebra, 2004 - Elsevier
Let V be a vertex operator algebra and G a finite automorphism group of V. For each g∈ G
and nonnegative rational number n∈ Z/| g|, an associative algebra Ag, n (V) plays an …

[PDF][PDF] Uniform product of Ag, n (V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra

M Miyamoto, K Tanabe - arXiv preprint math/0112054, 2002 - Citeseer
Let V be a vertex operator algebra and G a finite automorphism group of V. For each g∈ G
and nonnegative rational number n∈ Z/| g|, a g-twisted Zhu algebra Ag, n (V) plays an …

Uniform product of A g, n (V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra

M Miyamoto, K Tanabe - Journal of Algebra, 2004 - infona.pl
Let V be a vertex operator algebra and G a finite automorphism group of V. For each g G and
nonnegative rational number n Z/g, an associative algebra A g, n (V) plays an important role …

Uniform product of A_ {g, n}(V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra

M Miyamoto, K Tanabe - arXiv Mathematics e-prints, 2001 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Let V be a vertex operator algebra and G a finite automorphism group of V. For each g\in G
and nonnegative rational number n\in {\mathbb Z}/| g|, a g-twisted Zhu algebra A_ {g, n}(V) …

Uniform product of A_ {g, n}(V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra

M Miyamoto, K Tanabe - arXiv preprint math/0112054, 2001 - arxiv.org
Let V be a vertex operator algebra and G a finite automorphism group of V. For each g\in G
and nonnegative rational number n\in {\mathbb Z}/| g|, a g-twisted Zhu algebra A_ {g, n}(V) …

[引用][C] Uniform product of Agn (V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra

宮本雅彦, 田邊顕一朗 - Journal of Algebra 274, 2004 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Uniform product of Agn(V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra | CiNii Research
CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データを …

[PDF][PDF] Uniform product of An, g (V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra

M Miyamoto, K Tanabe - arXiv preprint math/0112054 - Citeseer
Let V be a simple vertex operator algebra and G a finite automorphism group of V. It was
shown in [DY] that any irreducible V-module is a completely reducible Vg-module. In this …

[引用][C] Uniform product of A,(V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra

M Miyamoto, K Tanabe - Journal of Algebra, 2004 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Uniform product of A,(V) for an orbifold model V and G-twisted Zhu algebra | CiNii Research
CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データを …