General anesthetics and vascular smooth muscle: direct actions of general anesthetics on cellular mechanisms regulating vascular tone

T Akata, DC Warltier - The Journal of the American Society of …, 2007 -
General anesthetics threaten cardiovascular stability by causing changes in cardiac
function, vascular reactivity, and cardiovascular reflexes and significantly alter distribution of …

[引用][C] General anesthetics and vascular smooth muscle: Direct actions of general anesthetics on cellular mechanisms regulating vascular tone

T AKATA - Anesthesiology (Philadelphia), 2007 -
General anesthetics and vascular smooth muscle : Direct actions of general anesthetics on
cellular mechanisms regulating vascular tone CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and …

General anesthetics and vascular smooth muscle: direct actions of general anesthetics on cellular mechanisms regulating vascular tone

T Akata - Anesthesiology, 2007 -
General anesthetics threaten cardiovascular stability by causing changes in cardiac
function, vascular reactivity, and cardiovascular reflexes and significantly alter distribution of …

General anesthetics and vascular smooth muscle: direct actions of general anesthetics on cellular mechanisms regulating vascular tone.

T Akata - Anesthesiology, 2007 -
General anesthetics threaten cardiovascular stability by causing changes in cardiac
function, vascular reactivity, and cardiovascular reflexes and significantly alter distribution of …

General Anesthetics and Vascular Smooth Muscle

T Akata, DC Warltier - Anesthesiology, 2007 -
抄録< jats: p> General anesthetics threaten cardiovascular stability by causing changes in
cardiac function, vascular reactivity, and cardiovascular reflexes and significantly alter …

[引用][C] General anesthetics and vascular smooth muscle: direct actions of general anesthetics on cellular mechanisms regulating vascular tone.

赤田隆 - Anesthesiology 106・2, 2007 -
General anesthetics and vascular smooth muscle : direct actions of general anesthetics on
cellular mechanisms regulating vascular tone. | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術 …