A season-long goal-setting intervention for elite youth basketball teams

D Durdubas, LJ Martin, Z Koruc - Journal of Applied Sport …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The current study involved a season-long team goal-setting intervention within an elite youth
sport population. Participants were 75 male basketball players (M age= 16.23 years, SD …

A Season-Long Goal-Setting Intervention for Elite Youth Basketball Teams

D DURDUBAŞ, L Martin… - JOURNAL OF APPLIED …, 2019 - avesis.hacettepe.edu.tr
The current study involved a season-long team goal-setting intervention within an elite youth
sport population. Participants were 75 male basketball players (M-age= 16.23 years, SD …

[PDF][PDF] A Season-Long Goal-Setting Intervention for Elite Youth Basketball Teams

D Durdubas, LJ Martin, Z Koruc - 2019 - academia.edu
The current study involved a season-long team goal-setting intervention within an elite youth
sport population. Participants were 75 male basketball players (Mage= 16.23 years, SD …

A season-long goal-setting intervention for elite youth basketball teams.

D Durdubas, LJ Martin, H University - 2020 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The current study involved a season-long team goal-setting intervention within an elite youth
sport population. Participants were 75 male basketball players (M age= 16.23 years, SD …

A season-long goal-setting intervention for elite youth basketball teams.

D Durdubas, LJ Martin, Z Koruc - Journal of Applied Sport …, 2020 - psycnet.apa.org
The current study involved a season-long team goal-setting intervention within an elite youth
sport population. Participants were 75 male basketball players (M age= 16.23 years, SD …

A Season-Long Goal-Setting Intervention for Elite Youth Basketball Teams

D Durdubas, LJ Martin, Z Koruc - Journal of Applied Sport …, 2020 - ingentaconnect.com
The current study involved a season-long team goal-setting intervention within an elite youth
sport population. Participants were 75 male basketball players (M age= 16.23 years, SD …