Hunting-induced defaunation drives increased seed predation and decreased seedling establishment of commercially important tree species in an Afrotropical forest

C Rosin, JR Poulsen - Forest Ecology and Management, 2016 - Elsevier
Human hunting is widespread in tropical forests and can substantially alter the plant-animal
interactions that drive tree recruitment. Seed predation is a strong determinant of plant …

Hunting-induced defaunation drives increased seed predation and decreased seedling establishment of commercially important tree species in an Afrotropical forest

C Rosin, JR Poulsen - Forest Ecology and Management, 2016 -
Human hunting is widespread in tropical forests and can substantially alter the plant-animal
interactions that drive tree recruitment. Seed predation is a strong determinant of plant …

[PDF][PDF] Hunting-induced defaunation drives increased seed predation and decreased seedling establishment of commercially important tree species in an Afrotropical …

C Rosin, JR Poulsen - Forest Ecology and Management, 2016 -
abstract Human hunting is widespread in tropical forests and can substantially alter the plant-
animal interactions that drive tree recruitment. Seed predation is a strong determinant of …

[引用][C] Hunting-induced defaunation drives increased seed predation and decreased seedling establishment of commercially important tree species in an Afrotropical …

C Rosin, JR Poulsen - Forest Ecology and Management, 2016 -
Hunting-induced defaunation drives increased seed predation and decreased seedling
establishment of commercially important tree species in an Afrotropical forest | CiNii Research …

Hunting-induced defaunation drives increased seed predation and decreased seedling establishment of commercially important tree species in an Afrotropical forest

C Rosin, JR Poulsen - Forest Ecology and Management, 2016 -
We examined the effects of defaunation on seed predation of eight timber species.
Vertebrate seed predation was a strong filter on recruitment. Rodents caused the greatest …

Hunting-induced defaunation drives increased seed predation and decreased seedling establishment of commercially important tree species in an Afrotropical forest.

C Rosin, JR Poulsen - 2016 -
Human hunting is widespread in tropical forests and can substantially alter the plant-animal
interactions that drive tree recruitment. Seed predation is a strong determinant of plant …

[PDF][PDF] Hunting-induced defaunation drives increased seed predation and decreased seedling establishment of commercially important tree species in an Afrotropical …

C Rosin, JR Poulsen - Forest Ecology and Management, 2016 -
abstract Human hunting is widespread in tropical forests and can substantially alter the plant-
animal interactions that drive tree recruitment. Seed predation is a strong determinant of …

[引用][C] Hunting-induced defaunation drives increased seed predation and decreased seedling establishment of commercially important tree species in an Afrotropical …

C Rosin, JR Poulsen - 2016