[图书][B] Semi-perfect modules

EA Mares - 1964 - search.proquest.com
A study of the structure of semi-perfect rings [7] defined in i960 by Hyman Bass [1], shows
that they include the classical Artinian rings and semi-primary rings with nil-radical. Thus …

[引用][C] Semi-perfect modules.

EA Mares - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1963 - dml.mathdoc.fr
Semi-perfect modules. logo dml Revues Livres Sources Tout Tout Auteur Titre Bibliographie
Inclure les e-prints dans la recherche (arXiv, HAL) Rechercher Mathematische Zeitschrift …

[引用][C] Semi-perfect modules.

EA Mares - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1963 - eudml.org
EUDML | Semi-perfect modules. Skip to main content (access key 's'), Skip to navigation (access
key 'n'), Accessibility information (access key '0') EuDML - The European Digital Mathematics …

[引用][C] Semi-perfect modules

EA Mares - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1963 - cir.nii.ac.jp

[引用][C] Semi-perfect modules

EA Mares - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1963 - Springer
In this paper we develop a structure theory for certain projective modules which we denote
as semi-perfect modules. By this notation we imply that these can be considered as a …

[引用][C] Semi-perfect modules

EA Mares - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1963 - Springer

[引用][C] Semi-perfect modules

EA MARES - Springer