[HTML][HTML] Processing, properties, modifications, and environmental impact of nanocellulose/biopolymer composites: a review

E Aigaje, A Riofrio, H Baykara - Polymers, 2023 - mdpi.com
The increasing concerns about plastic pollution and climate change have encouraged
research into bioderived and biodegradable materials. Much attention has been focused on …

Processing, Properties, Modifications, and Environmental Impact of Nanocellulose/Biopolymer Composites: A Review

E Aigaje, A Riofrio, H Baykara - Polymers, 2023 - search.proquest.com
The increasing concerns about plastic pollution and climate change have encouraged
research into bioderived and biodegradable materials. Much attention has been focused on …

[PDF][PDF] Processing, Properties, Modifications, and Environmental Impact of Nanocellulose/Biopolymer Composites: A Review

E Aigaje, A Riofrio, H Baykara - Cellulose, 2007 - researchgate.net
The increasing concerns about plastic pollution and climate change have encouraged
research into bioderived and biodegradable materials. Much attention has been focused on …

Processing, Properties, Modifications, and Environmental Impact of Nanocellulose/Biopolymer Composites: A Review.

E Aigaje, A Riofrio, H Baykara - Polymers (20734360), 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
The increasing concerns about plastic pollution and climate change have encouraged
research into bioderived and biodegradable materials. Much attention has been focused on …

[HTML][HTML] Processing, Properties, Modifications, and Environmental Impact of Nanocellulose/Biopolymer Composites: A Review

E Aigaje, A Riofrio, H Baykara - Polymers, 2023 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The increasing concerns about plastic pollution and climate change have encouraged
research into bioderived and biodegradable materials. Much attention has been focused on …

Processing, Properties, Modifications, and Environmental Impact of Nanocellulose/Biopolymer Composites: A Review

E Aigaje, A Riofrio, H Baykara - Polymers, 2023 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The increasing concerns about plastic pollution and climate change have encouraged
research into bioderived and biodegradable materials. Much attention has been focused on …

Processing, Properties, Modifications, and Environmental Impact of Nanocellulose/Biopolymer Composites: A Review.

E Aigaje, A Riofrio, H Baykara - Polymers, 2023 - europepmc.org
The increasing concerns about plastic pollution and climate change have encouraged
research into bioderived and biodegradable materials. Much attention has been focused on …