Higher phantom and Ext-phantom morphisms

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2018 - World Scientific
… an n-Ext-phantom morphism if the induced morphism Extn … properties of n-phantom and
n-Ext-phantom morphisms. Some … of n-phantom and n-Ext-phantom morphisms, which are …

Higher phantom morphisms with respect to a subfunctor of Ext

L Mao - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2019 - Springer
… It is proven that a morphism f is an n-phantom morphism if and … ; A morphism g is an n-Ext-phantom
morphism if and only if … n-phantom morphisms by n and the ideal of n-Ext-phantom

On n-phantom and n-Ext-phantom Morphisms

K Lan, B Lu - Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2021 - JSTOR
… based on phantom envelopes and Ext-phantom covers of … replacing phantom and Ext-phantom
with n-phantom and n-… of n-phantom morphism [14], which is a higher dimensional …

RD-phantom and RD-Ext-phantom Morphisms

L Mao - Filomat, 2018 - doiserbia.nb.rs
morphism if the induced morphism Ext1(R/Ra, ) = 0 for any a ∈ R. It is proven that a morphism
f is an RD-phantom morphism … ; a morphism is an RD-Ext-phantom morphism if and only if …

Phantom Envelopes and -Phantom Covers of Modules

L Mao - Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2020 - Springer
Ext-phantom morphisms are also called cophantom morphisms in [14]. … We note that the
existence of Ext-phantom preenvelopes is a special case of [14, Theorems 32 and 33]. In Sect. 2 …

Neat-phantom and clean-cophantom morphisms

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2021 - World Scientific
… cophantom morphism or Ext-phantom morphism [15, 22] if the induced … morphism versions
of flat and absolutely pure modules. We have known that phantom and cophantom morphisms

[PDF][PDF] --phantom and --cophantom morphisms

M KHATTARI, D BENNIS - International Electronic Journal of Algebra - dergipark.org.tr
… right module A and α is said to be an n-Ext-phantom if Extn(A, α) is 0 for every … phantom
(resp., a 1-Ext-phantom) morphism if and only if α is a phantom (resp., an Ext-phantom) morphism

Phantom morphisms and Salce's lemma

I Herzog - Expository lectures on representation theory, 2014 - books.google.com
… [ 14 ] that is, in some respects, better behaved. A significant portion of relative homological
… also refer to a P-Ext-phantom as a pure phantom morphism. The complete ideal cotorsion …

Gorenstein Injective Phantom Morphism

W Xiaomei, W Zhanping - Journal of Southwest China Normal …, 2022 - xbgjxt.swu.edu.cn
Phantom morphisms been closed under direct product and ME-extensions in H(R). It is proved
that a morphism φ: X→X′ of R-modules is higher … 了n-Phantom态射和n-Ext-Phantom态射…


M Khattari, D Bennis - International Electronic Journal of …, 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
… right module A and α is said to be an n-Ext-phantom if Extn(A, α) is 0 for every … phantom
(resp., a 1-Ext-phantom) morphism if and only if α is a phantom (resp., an Ext-phantom) morphism