[图书][B] Maximal Cohen–Macaulay Modules and Tate Cohomology

RO Buchweitz - 2021 - books.google.com
… of all finitely generated modules modulo projective modules. The … for Gorenstein rings—yields
then a method to construct for any … ) examples satisfy both definitions, namely those rings S …

Cotilting modules and Gorenstein homological dimensions

K Divaani-Aazar, AM Fallah, M Tousi - arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.06364, 2024 - arxiv.org
… in the context of finitely generated modules over Artin algebras… finitely generated) modules
over general associative rings … a cotilting module is a Wakamatsu tilting module that satisfies

Model structures and relative Gorenstein flat modules and chain complexes

S Estrada, A Iacob, MA Pérez - Categorical, homological and …, 2020 - books.google.com
… of modules and chain complexes over an arbitrary ring. This … perfect if every object of G has
an A -cover and a B -envelope. … with Pk finitely generated and projective for every k≥ 0. Let …

On Gorenstein Homological Dimensions Over the Tensor Product of Algebras

Y Xiang - Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2024 - Springer
… About the envelope algebra, it was shown that if \(\Lambda \) is semisimple and k-… G-dimensions
for finitely generated modules over commutative Noetherian rings. As an extension of …

Local cohomology modules of indecomposable surjective-Buchsbaum modules over Gorenstein local rings

T Kawasaki - Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 1996 - jstage.jst.go.jp
modules of finitely generated modules, we assumed that the … M, where E denotes the injective
envelope of the residue field k. … maximal Cohen-Macaulay module X which satisfies (3.1). …

[PDF][PDF] Model structures and relative Gorenstein flat modules

S Estrada, A Iacob, MA Pérez - arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.00658, 2017 - researchgate.net
… the Gorenstein flat model structure on the category Mod(R) of left Rmodules provided R is a
GF-closed ring… The notions of (special) (pre)envelopes and (special) (pre)enveloping classes …

[PDF][PDF] Singularity categories seminar

M Booth - 2023 - mattbooth.info
every finitely generated R-module has finite projective … If R is Gorenstein and M is an
MCM module then we have an … dg category C admits a strongly pretriangulated envelope tri(…

Flat covers

EE Enochs - Handbook of Algebra, 2003 - Elsevier
envelopes in the category of left R-modules over some ring R. Here covers and envelopes
… If M is not finitely generated, Xu defines invariants of M which are in some sense dual to the …

Gorenstein flat precovers and Gorenstein injective preenvelopes in Grothendieck categories

E Enochs, JR García Rozas, L Oyonarte, B Torrecillas - 2019 - projecteuclid.org
all module categories over noetherian rings, while not every … , epimorphic images and its
injective envelope, were proved. … of each one of its finitely generated generators (either in the …

Covers and envelopes with respect to a semidualizing module

X Yan, X Zhu - Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2011 - journals.tubitak.gov.tr
… show the existence of (pre)envelops and (pre)covers by In … is a commutative ring with identity
and all modules are unitary. … class of modules with finite Gorenstein projective dimension (…