[PDF][PDF] Model structures, n-Gorenstein flat modules and PGF dimensions

R El Maaouy - arXiv e-prints, 2023 - researchgate.net
… We show (Theorem 4.2) that a ring R is left n-perfect if and only if every Gorenstein flat left
R-… Perfect if every module has an X-cover and a Y-envelope. • Cogenerated by a set if there is …

Duality pairs induced by Gorenstein projective modules with respect to semidualizing modules

J Hu, Y Geng, N Ding - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2015 - Springer
… semidualizing module over a commutative Noetherian ring R. … Covers and Envelopes Let X
be a class of R-modules and M … of finitely generated Gorenstein projective R-modules for any

The role of w-tilting modules in relative Gorenstein (co) homology

D Bennis, E Duarte, JRG Rozas, L Oyonarte - Open Mathematics, 2021 - degruyter.com
ring with a dualizing module, at least for finitely generated … a duality and that finitely generated
modules in the Auslander class … Preenvelopes, special preenvelopes and envelopes are …

Infinitely generated Gorenstein tilting modules

P Moradifar, S Yassemi - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2022 - Springer
… The theory of finitely generated relative (co)tilting modules has … over virtually Gorenstein
CM-finite rings. The main result of … ) is satisfied over CM-finite virtually Gorenstein artin algebras. …

Static modules and equivalences

R Wisbauer - LECTURE NOTES IN PURE AND APPLIED …, 2000 - books.google.com
… R and S, are given by a bimodule RPS, such that RP is a finitely generated projective generator
… , D-Gorenstein, static, and A,(k)-modules, as well as covers and envelopes of modules... …

Homological dimension based on a class of Gorenstein flat modules

G Dalezios, I Emmanouil - Comptes …, 2023 - comptes-rendus.academie-sciences …
… If the equivalent conditions in Proposition 2 are satisfied, then we say that the module M
has … In this section, we characterize those rings over which all modules have finite PGF-…

Weak Gorenstein cotorsion modules

L Zhao, J Wei, J Hu - Algebra Colloquium, 2018 - World Scientific
… that a module M over a commutative ring R is weak Gorenstein … resolution by finitely generated
projectives. Note that if R is … a weak Gorenstein cotorsion envelope of a right R-module M, …

On algebras of finite Cohen–Macaulay type

A Beligiannis - Advances in Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
… -free finitely generated Gorenstein-projective module, then … finitely generated modules without
extensions with the ringenvelope of R/rad(R). The Jacobson radical of Λ is denoted by r. …

On Gorenstein projective, injective and flat dimensions-a functorial description with applications

LW Christensen, A Frankild, H Holm - arXiv preprint math/0403156, 2004 - arxiv.org
… G–dimension satisfies an analogue of the Auslander–… Only when a module has bistructure,
do we include the rings in … complex of finitely generated Gorenstein projective R–modules, …

The finite type of modules of bounded projective dimension and Serre's conditions

M Hrbek, G Le Gros - Bulletin of the London Mathematical …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
… in the specific setting of a Gorenstein ring. Applying similar … -envelopes). Instead, our
approach relies on a combination of … direct limit of finitely generated projective modules. One can …