Strict Mittag–Leffler modules over Gorenstein injective modules

Y Yang, X Yan - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2020 - World Scientific
… GI-projective modules and prove that over noetherian rings, if a … of finitely generated injective
modules. Then I ⊆ SML(GI) and … Iacob, Gorenstein injective covers and envelopes over …

Gorenstein AC-projective complexes

J Gillespie - Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 2018 - Springer
… -Chen ring, that is, a two-sided coherent ring with finite self FP-… to the study of precovers and
pre-envelopes. This area … }}\) if it has a projective resolution by finitely generated projective

[PDF][PDF] Auslander-Reiten triangles, Ziegler spectra and Gorenstein rings

A Beligiannis - K-theory, 2004 - Citeseer
… Therefore we are mainly interested in constructing a satisfactory … is the injective envelope of
the simple right KT-module KT/n. … category of finitely generated projective K-modules and by …

The structure of balanced big Cohen–Macaulay modules over Cohen–Macaulay rings

H Holm - Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2017 -
… (2) Every finitely generated module has a pre-envelope with … A finitely generated module
M that satisfies these equivalent … , then N is still finitely generated and M is Gorenstein flat by …

Some homological properties of commutative semitrivial ring extensions

E Valtonen - manuscripta mathematica, 1989 - Springer
… , Gorenstein or regular. A sample result: Let (R, m) be a local Noetherian ring, M a finitely
generated R-module … As IR(k), the injective envelope of k, is a canonical R-module, it follows …

Remarks on modules approximated by G-projective modules

R Takahashi - Journal of Algebra, 2006 - Elsevier
… to finitely generated modules over Gorenstein local rings. … , we will observe finitely generated
G-projective modules, and … right minimal if any endomorphism f :M → M satisfying ρ = ρf …

Finitistic dimension conjectures via Gorenstein projective dimension

P Moradifar, J Šaroch - Journal of Algebra, 2022 - Elsevier
… ∞ fin (of finitely generated modules of finite Gorenstein projectivering R and Λ is finitely
generated as a module over R. … of modules, also known as the “theory of covers and envelopes”, …

The cotorsion pair generated by the Gorenstein projective modules and -pure-injective modules

M Cortés-Izurdiaga, J Šaroch - arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08602, 2021 -
finitely generated modules over non-commutative rings by Enochs and collaborators who
defined the central notion of Gorenstein projective module … examples of rings satisfying that the …


JAN TRLIFAJ - 2023 -
… notions of projective (pre-)covers and injective envelopes. We … a projective resolution R of T
consisting of finitely generated … -Gorenstein rings (which generalizes n-Gorenstein rings from …

Idealization of a module

DD Anderson, M Winders - Journal of commutative algebra, 2009 - JSTOR
… ) be a local ring and M a finitely generated R-module. So R (+… and Gorenstein rings,
homological dimension, multiplication … there is an R-module monomorphism j: M → A satisfying A …