[PDF][PDF] 血小板膜标志物表达水平与颈动脉粥样硬化病人支架内再狭窄的关系

王涛, 张梅, 余传庆, 薛敏, 武庆彬, 康殿贵 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk

[PDF][PDF] 动静脉足泵联合前列地尔改善老年T2DM 下肢动脉病变病人行走能力的疗效观察

戴静, 巫海娣, 莫永珍, 顾刘宝, 娄青林 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk

[PDF][PDF] 有氧运动对阿尔茨海默病轻度认知损害影响的研究进展

王晶, 房圆, 李霞 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk

[PDF][PDF] 脂蛋白相关磷脂酶A2 在老年糖尿病诊治中的研究进展

苑莉莉, 罗彬, 王佳贺 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk

[PDF][PDF] 老年新诊断2 型糖尿病病人血糖变异性与炎症因子及微血管病变关系的探讨

李东霞, 陈书艳, 王燕, 魏璐, 刘芳 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk

[PDF][PDF] 丹参酮ⅡA 预防大鼠椎板切除术后硬膜外疤痕增生的机制分析

史宗坡, 王刚, 王彬彬, 贾根, 刘军 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk

[PDF][PDF] 老年射血分数保留的心力衰竭的由来, 病理生理及诊断

张海涛, 梁伟 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk

[PDF][PDF] ISBAR 口头交接标准在急诊抢救室病人床旁交接中的应用

徐波, 陈莹, 张志华, 李雁, 郑铮 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk

[PDF][PDF] 85 岁以上急性脑梗死病人静脉溶栓的疗效及预后分析

夏鑫, 吴明华 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk

[PDF][PDF] 脂蛋白相关磷脂酶A2 与冠心病的研究进展

孟军军, 邬真力 - 实用老年医学, 2020 - sylnyx.com
… Platelet⁃activating factor acetylhydrolase activity indicates angiographic coronary artery
disease independently of systemic inflammation and other risk factors: the Ludwigshafen risk