
贺小英, 荆乾鸽, 姜欣颖, 吴宪… - Journal of Southern …, 2019 - search.ebscohost.com
Telomere length in male germ cells is inversely correlated with … Association of
telomere length with authentic pluripotency of ES/iPS cells[J]. Cell Research,21(5):779792. …

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贺小英, 荆乾鸽, 姜欣颖, 袁婷, 吴宪… - Journal of Southern …, 2019 - nfnyxb.boyuancb.com
Association of telomere length with authentic pluripotency of ES/iPS cells[J]. Cell Research,21(…
acquire embryonic stem cell characteristics in induced pluripotent stem cells[J]. Cell Stem …