
Z Zhang, F Li, T Sun - 中国神经再生研究(英文版), 2013 -
Examination of anal sensation and sphincter autonomic … for spinal column failure in translation.
Anterior-posterior … , which involved a wide variety of animal species and strains. Overall, …


EH Choi, S Gattas, NJ Brown, JD Hong… - 中国神经再生研究 …, 2021 -
… epidural electrical stimulation in spinal cord injury. Key Words: … outcomes in animal models
but translational efforts have yet … of dormant motor and autonomic supraspinal pathways after …

脊髓损伤, 修复与再生

X Cao, S Feng, C Fu, K Gao, J Guo, X Guo… - 中国神经再生研究 …, 2015 -
… not these methods are ready for clinical translation depends … animal models, and the results
from testing in large animals. … network and autonomic activity of the spinal cord have been …

脊髓损伤后呼吸可塑性: 从小鼠到人类

KC Locke, ML Randelman, DJ Hoh… - 中国神经再生研究 …, 2022 -
… At the bench, researchers use an array of techniques aimed … human spinal cord injury and
how pre-clinical animal models … translating some of these to people with spinal cord injury (C). …

人工冬眠医学的未来: 保护脊髓损伤后的神经和器官

C Liu, H Yu, Z Li, S Chen, X Li, X Chen… - 中国神经再生研究(英文 …, 2024 -
… of nerve and multiple organ protection after spinal cord injury … damage caused by abnormal
autonomic nerve reflex after SCI … the protective mechanism of animals’ nerves, organs, and …

脊髓损伤多模态治疗: 神经调控后的神经再生之剑

Y Zheng, YR Mao, TF Yuan, DS Xu… - 中国神经再生研究(英文 …, 2020 -
… , proprioception, and autonomic nerves. Traditionally, … Thus, it can be concluded that the
clinical translation of brain-… ) Rehabilitation following spinal cord injury: how animal models can …

利用体内成像解读神经元对损伤的反应: 基于脊髓损伤治疗的紧迫性

J Deng, C Sun, Y Zheng, J Gao, X Cui… - 中国神经再生研究 …, 2024 -
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating neurological trauma, often causing permanent disability
with motor, sensory, and autonomicspinal cord are conducted on anesthetized animals, …

C2 脊髓半切对大鼠呼吸和心血管功能的影响

P Michel-Flutot, A Mansart, A Fayssoil… - 中国神经再生研究(英文版), 2023 -
… induce permanent neuromotor and autonomic deficits. These … each animal. Data obtained
from one of the sham rats were corrupted and therefore could not be analyzed, meaning the …


许明 - 中国康复理论与实践, 2016 -
… Conclusion The complete suprasacral after spinal cord injury of neurogenic bladder in a rat
Autonomic assessment of animals with spinal cord injury: tools, techniques and translation [J…

渐进性脊髓压迫损伤小鼠模型: 脊髓功能和病理变化

G Sun, Y Chen, Z Zhou, S Yang, C Zhong… - 中国神经再生研究(英文 …, 2017 -
… thoracic spinal cord injury in mice: function assessment and … compression of thoracic spinal
cord injury in mice is a … dysfunction and spinal cord tissue damage in experimental animals. …