[HTML][HTML] 職家衝突, 工作鑲嵌與離職傾向之關聯性-以選擇, 最適化, 補償策略為調節變項

YJ Liu - 2016 - ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw
… Role stress, work-family conflict and emotional exhaustion: Inter-relationships and effects
on some work-related consequences. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management,17(1), …

[PDF][PDF] 鸚Inclusion, organisational justice and employee wellbeing

H Le, C Zheng - core.ac.uk
… attention on job burnout/work-related stress/mental health … to build further understanding of
sustainable HRM issues in the … with concerns for developing sustainable HRM policies and …


KT Cheng - 2019 - search.proquest.com
lower than 6 were normal and well adjusted. Based on the results of a study that shows the
high overlap between burnout … all the residents’ main stressors are work-related. Seven out of …

[PDF][PDF] 理想與實際工時之契合及其與工作態度之關聯-跨國社會福利體制之比較

陸洛 - International Journal, 2015 - ba.ntu.edu.tw
… Although the connection between working hours and strains (eg, work-family conflict, job …
focused on stress and strains as the dependent variables, rather than workrelated attitudes. …

[HTML][HTML] 中高齡員工年齡與持續工作動機的關聯性-探討提供工作外資源及降低工作要求的調節作用

HH Chang - 2021 - ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw
… the human resource management practice of "reducing job requirements" does not have the
effect of … Finally, the management implications proposed in this research can be applied to …

[HTML][HTML] 中高齡員工認知未來職涯機會與工作動機關聯性之研究—契合理論調節式中介模型效果

SH Ho - 2020 - ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw
… Managing aging workers: A mixed methods study on bundles of HR practices for aging
workers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(15), 2192-2212. …

[HTML][HTML] 菁英人才管理措施對離職傾向的影響-探討工作鑲嵌, 工作敬業度的中介效果

JUIC LIN - 2023 - ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw
… and reducing the attrition rate of talents in the company has become a top priority for HR
In addition, this study will use the HLM model to explore the interaction between organizational …

[PDF][PDF] 工作便利? 還是工作壓力? 教師下班後即時通訊軟體公務使用情形與工作倦怠之關係── 以教師工作價值觀為調節變項

連志剛, 黃建翔, 張育菁, 阮宜庭 - 教育心理學報, 2022 - epbulletin.epc.ntnu.edu.tw
… on work-family conflict, job involvement and job … antecedent of job burnout is job stress, with
job burnout regarded as … be used as a reference for other studies on the work-related use of …

互动公平对员工幸福感的影响: 心理授权的中介作用与权力距离的调节作用

郑晓明, 刘鑫 - 心理学报, 2016 - journal.psych.ac.cn
: 近些年, 由于积极心理学的兴起, 员工幸福感的研究得到了广泛的关注. 本论文从互动公平这一
特定的组织公平概念出发, 以公平理论为主体, 并结合自我决定理论, 从心理授权的视角既分析了…

員工動機導向對關係型心理契約與創新行為的關係之中介效果: 主管利社會動機之調節角色

蔡啟通 - Journal of Management & Business Research (2521 …, 2018 - search.ebscohost.com
員工創新行為對於組織成功及長期生存是非常重要的. 根據心理契約的社會交換理論, 關係型心理
契約(RPC) 是預測員工創新行為之主要因素. 動機變項對RPC 與員工創新行為的關係亦扮演…