婚姻與家庭生活僅僅是相互同意的個人之間的契約嗎? 不同的道德基礎及社會轉化: Are Marriage and Family Life Merely Contractual Agreements Among Consenting …

MJ Cherry - … of Chinese & Comparative Philosophy of …, 2018 - ejournals.lib.hkbu.edu.hk
… Children raised outside of the biological family very often do not experience such … syphilis
burden. MSM make up a majority of syphilis cases, and half of MSM diagnosed with syphilis

蠶and by children. The therapeutis value of coffee

ZTSTSYSS SLLLLLLLS - search.proquest.com
… and 11 per cent, a history of syphilis, at some period of their lives… have about one-third as
much syphilis and one-half as much … Three Boston hospitals treated 6,892 cases of syphilis and …

蠶After a slow convalescence recovery was com

MWNF do Great, R Harm - search.proquest.com
… to the bentknee gait when it comes to the matter of getting soldiers or pedestrians rapidly over
uneven … Na sa na his teetio ed º be regarded as syphilis. The prognosis is always loomy In …

體temporary relief. Some of the best results have

I f fleiral Sriettre - search.proquest.com
… protruded ånd held outside the mouth, … Syphilis-Kiolemenoglou and Cube report the results
of observations undertaken to determine the relationship of the spirochaeta pallida to syphilis

g﹐ 量驚燃汽瑪G. Bugbee holds that any sur

CITA Bassler, JS Diamond - Boston Medical and Surgical …, 1920 - search.proquest.com
… with syphilis in the eighth mónth of pregnancy results in infection of the child; (2) The
syphilis in the child is of a milder form and deelops later than ordinary congenital syphilis; (3) …

諡驚said that he had not prepared the usual address

HOF DELEGATES - search.proquest.com
… for insanity were alcohol and syphilis. General paresis without syphilis was unknown and
those … Outside of the city there was one bed to every twenty-one cases. In 1907 there were two …

觀覽action of the muscular coat whereby the iability to hemorrhage is increased. Hence arises the necessity for absolute abstention from all food and drink for at least …

H af fleðiral Sriettre - search.proquest.com
… fingerbreadth outside the nipple line in the fourth left intercostal space to one inch outside the
… class in which the first manifestations of hereditary syphilis appear after the fifth year of life. …

鷺in hopeless cases. The degree and location of 豐體should determine the treatmen Good re

CS S kkSkkS - search.proquest.com
… may flourish outside the body on Sad albuminous matter for … the cases in which congenital
syphilis is the cause of disease … are born with marked evidence of syphilis. In these cases the …

elvis and the right side of the lower abdomina 鯊was convinced that the tumor was in the 鸞

I uf flediral Srientre - search.proquest.com
… the impingin body on the outside and the vertebrae or pelvic … *lay be Ory of syphilis aids
materially the diagnosis. It, … and central ganglionic gray matter and in the white matter of the cord. …

磚黨RYAN said he had not met with cases complaining

S DAv, M WEDNEspAy - search.proquest.com
… absence of snuffies and sore throat ruled out syphilis. In considering the prognosis, the au…
the equinus, and (2) others on the outside of the foot, for overcoming a varus. These rubber …