德意志帝國與現代中國–理性或不理性的行為者? 以守勢現實主義角度的外交政策分析

周翔 - 2015 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw

[PDF][PDF] 言* 器圖22

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… This explanation dramatically illustrates the stereotypical paradoxical belief that on the one
hand … 110) noted that “the personality formed in an environment of coercive control is not well …

《 變身怪醫》 中的權力, 瘋狂論述和社會排除

武文葳 - 2017 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
coercion” were the core spirit of sequestrating madness in the domain of private sphere.
Chaos and disturbance … headquarters of insanity” with paradoxical attitude of complacency and …

[PDF][PDF] 卡夫卡的變形記和飢渴的藝術家中自我監禁和隔離

陳姿樺 - 2008 - ir.lib.pccu.edu.tw
… The parasitical implies the paradox, for in search of its food, the parasite at last devastates
its host and itself (Barry 46). The word parasite also registers “a relationship of proximity and …

[图书][B] 多丽丝· 莱辛小说中的女性话语建构: 规训与抵抗

邱枫 - 2015 - books.google.com
… Martha Quest,the name of the heroine in Children of Violence,is symbolic of the paradoxical
… obsessions about both eating and rejecting food.Eating disorders here should be seen as a …

乱七八糟“In great disorder” The Dragon's path towards a new global order that distinguishes from the West

M Profeta - 2022 - dspace.unive.it
… , punished by Zeus for cheating death twice by being forced to roll a massive rock up a hill
that … by coercive power and the struggle for self-interest, as is also argued by the realist school …

T 醫reign of romance is an extending one. It gains ground in spite of the perpetual protests of utilitarianism, useful

A BEDE - 2007 - search.proquest.com
… Kingsley's amusing doubt and dramatized paradox struck others who rejoiced in a freedom
… There is a terrible coercion in our deeds. . . . The second wrong presents itself to him as the …

妳漂亮嗎? 從性玩物到女性賦權: 以青少年流行雜誌中的姿態展示談起

艾玲, 陳奕麟 - 2007 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… to medical intervention in population control and management, such as reproductive …
poor women are viewed as economically coerced commodities vis-à-vis their male sexual …

[超越人類理解的框限]: 密爾頓《 失樂園》 中的破除偶像詩學

賴弘專 - 2002 - ir.taitheo.org.tw
… and provided me with thought-provoking comments: in her I … I will never forget your care
and support every day of my life. … are even more abstract and paradoxical than the former four. …

[PDF][PDF] 关于中国晚帝国时期(明, 清时期) 心态史的探索历史作品有着不同的路径和目标, 可以着重于事件, 社会, 观念, 经济等等. 历史学家的目标中极为有趣的是现实表现的 …

P Santangelo - researchgate.net
… in order to reduce tensions and enforce group solidarity, but is also a social process in
response to social rupture, the legacy of the past, and the intrusion of a traumatic past provoking