a 魯Consideration of Speech Defects–JM Brown finds

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… all cases requiring ventral suspension the bladde should be … after the operation of ventral
suspension, except when there … without proper treatment, and the best treatment in general is …

o 盡* Meningitis with Myosis and Salivation as the

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… The sutures pull the internal oblique and transversalis below the shelving edge of Poupart's
… A double support is formed and any defect is corrected. The sutures are then tied over rölls …

鷺from Eberth's bacillus, 76.

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… , 436, 719 ; hitherto unknown form of stenosis of the, 464 ; hyperesthesia of the, during
pregnancy, 733 ; improved technique in the surgical treatment of myomata of the, roi ; injections in …

鬣in length. Its termination is guarded by the Thebesian

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… effecting certain chemical changes without itself undergoing change in the process, 5. Lymph
… the suspected fluid add a little pure HC1; suspend in the fluid a small strip of bright copper …

黜| 器frequently mmmmmZ 器

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… This treatment does not prove successful in cases of tuberculosis of the hip-joint and
spine. When we fiind albumin in the urine, a peculiar itching in the exposed joint, and profuse …

[图书][B] 鈣離子感知接受器在嗅覺誘發腎臟血液動力學變化與剛性勃起以及血管內皮上促進血小板依附作用的雙重角色

李世彬 - 2018 - search.proquest.com
… : 3.86 Hz) as compared to intranasal saline treatment. The increased single-unit RSNA
firing frequency by intranasal CaSR agonists was inhibited by the co-treatment of NPS-2143 …

黜hæmorrhage from the nose, gradually succeeded; and though their frequency iminished, yet their violence and duration gradually increased. During the

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Malformation of the Heart.--Professor HOLST, in a recent number of Hufeland's Journal,(Jan.
1837,) records a remarkable example of this which he met with in achild who enjoyed …

體g" the patient had been losing about a quart of saliva daily Suppurating Ovarian Cyst complicating Pregnancy.--Mayo Robson* began a Cesarean section in such a …

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collapse, equally contraindicates the treatment of an intussusception by irrigation, for it
points to an early occurrence of gangrene. When this measure has failed to relieve the condition, …

蠶t0 kkS and in the Octodon Cummingii (one of the rodents), accord

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… Now, this simplé experiment is really the key to the sthenic and asthenic states of the
vascular system, and is the foundation on which we rest our principles as to the treatment of …

燃in a plate, and these lines are seen to correspond exactly with the linea ormed by the lamella of the bone, and our author pertinently remarks that the fact of the …

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… at a temperature of about 100o F., undergo self-digestion, and in the course of three or
four hours throw down volumínous precipitates of albumen that undergo no further change till …