[PDF][PDF] 肝动脉化疗栓塞术治疗老年肝癌病人的疗效及预后影响因素分析

黄海, 竺越, 保志军, 黄一沁, 于晓峰 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …

[PDF][PDF] 骨质疏松症相关基因研究进展

赵航, 马慧娟, 王超 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …

[PDF][PDF] 改良版托马斯跌倒风险评估量表与Morse 跌倒评估量表对老年住院病人跌倒的预测价值

嵇加佳, 戴曦, 梅克文 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …

[PDF][PDF] 延伸护理模式对老年脑卒中偏瘫病人肢体功能的影响

孙亚超, 王锦玲 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …

[PDF][PDF] 椎旁阻滞联合维生素C 治疗老年胸背部带状疱疹的临床观察

刘尧, 陈立平, 熊苗苗, 张学广, 王米, 申文 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …

[PDF][PDF] 胰岛素联合唑来膦酸治疗老年糖尿病合并骨质疏松病人的疗效研究

卢燕, 王晶璞, 刘莉红 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …

[PDF][PDF] 老年胃息肉病人合并结直肠息肉发病危险因素分析

崔秀芳, 梁国栋, 赵君宁, 苏菡 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …

[PDF][PDF] 老年2 型糖尿病合并真菌感染病人的临床特征及预后分析

王思, 杨荣礼, 陈梦楠, 曹依秀, 李雷, 邓丽华 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …

[PDF][PDF] 临床护理路径在老年性白内障超声乳化联合人工晶体植入术护理中的应用分析

王煜逍 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …

[PDF][PDF] 血小板参数在老年脓毒症病情严重程度及预后评估中的作用研究

卞叶萍, 徐剑, 邓晓静, 程惠, 佘丽萍 - 实用老年医学, 2019 - sylnyx.com
… Mutational a⁃ nalysis uncovers monogenic bone disorders in women with pregnancy⁃…
invasive and specific diagnostic methods for the elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. …