[PDF][PDF] The bodhisattva spirit: Practising self-benefiting altruism

FK Cheng - Fuyan Buddhist Studies, 2014 - fuyan.org.tw
… In the third place, the nature of non-discrimination inclusively adheres to no distinctions
among “I”, “you”, and “others” 174 . A bodhisattva must get rid of a discriminatory mind, a dualistic …

健康和医学领域的人工智能: 期许, 伦理挑战和治理

关健 - Chinese Medical Sciences Journal, 2019 - cmsj.cams.cn
… The requirements for development, deployment, and use of AI systems for trustworthy AI
include safety, privacy, data governance, transparency, non-discrimination and fairness, …

[PDF][PDF] 基因資訊作為保險人核保與保險費訂定基礎之妥當性辯證--美國法之經驗與析論

張冠群 - 科技法學評論, 2009 - scholar.archive.org
… 無歧視(genetic non-discrimination)之法案屢 … private genetic information about the individual;
(c) request or require an asymptomatic individual or his blood relative to submit to a genetic

[PDF][PDF] 東吳大學法學院法律學系碩士班碩士論文

李柏翰 - academia.edu
… community, including the UN and all its specialized agencies, based on the inextricable
nexus between the right to health and public health, such as the principles of non-discrimination, …

《 斷背山》 與《 真相拼圖》 中的陽剛氣質與共群之初探

鄭湘昱 - 2014 - irlib.pccu.edu.tw
論文旨在探討兩部同志電影“Brokeback Mountain”(譯:斷背山)和“The Laramie Project”(譯:真相

[PDF][PDF] 精准医学的临床实践

孙晓宁, 弓孟春, 张抒扬 - 科技导报, 2017 - kjdb.org
… 拒绝接受遗传学检查的患者 都把对基因歧视的顾虑作为拒绝的首要原因,同时30%的个 体在
详细了解《Genetic Non-Discrimination Act》的相关条款 后表示其对基因歧视的担忧反而加重了[51-…

[PDF][PDF] 张如Lin

几张 - digitalcommons.lindenwood.edu
… Lindenwood University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and dedicated to …
Inquiries conceming the application of Lindenwood University's policy on nondiscrimination

[PDF][PDF] 论保险法上的风险分类: 合理区分V. 歧视

周学峰 - 比较法研究, 2014 - civillaw.com.cn
: 风险分类, 是现代商业保险的重要特征之一, 具有经济上的正当性. 然而, 在现代社会, 评价一项
风险分类是合理的区分对待还是不公平的歧视, 已不能仅仅以统计数据或精算为依据, 而应考虑…

[PDF][PDF] GaS aaJS% stirung 魏﹑ Auswärtiges Amt

DDN verzeichnet diese Publikation - researchgate.net
… here explore topics as diverse as Nada's research and personal interests were: from labour
and social to family perspectives, over EU and international law to various public and private-…

[PDF][PDF] 人工智能时代算法性别歧视的类型界分与公平治理

张欣, 宋雨鑫 - 妇女研究论丛, 2022 - fnyjlc.com
… The ineffectiveness of non-discrimination law and the“governance vacuum”of the soft law
system have transformed the risk of discrimination into the result of actual harm. Centering …