
李再長 - 2005 - nckur.lib.ncku.edu.tw
emergency is slower, that might cause the higherimpairment heighten the difficulty of their
driving, and their expected driving days per week were lower. Moreover, cognitive impairment

[图书][B] 高级英语视听说教程/教师用书/下: 教师用书

刘晶, 王祥兵 - 1996 - books.google.com
… ("Blackouts"), surreptitious drinking, and an urgent need for the first drink. In the middle
and late phases, dependence on drinking increases and memory blackouts become more

越南難治性憂鬱症患者的自殺傾向, 心理因素和社區融入: 一項短期追蹤研究

潘紅 - 2023 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… cost, which is often associated with increased suicidality and mortality (Demyttenaere …
However, there is an urgent need to have more high-quality research and training …

治療醜陋? 從Frances Cha 的《 If I Had Your Face》 探討女性失能及整容文化

翁悅心 - 2022 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
本論文意欲由Frances Cha 的小說《 If I Had Your Face (如果我能擁有你的臉) 》探討女性失能的
論述.經由普爾(Jasbir Puar)所提出的[失能(debility)]概念, 我認為Cha 小說中的女性人物各個均…

起死回生(Resuscitation): Japan's Search for Machines and their Meanings

JP McDonnell - 2018 - repository.usfca.edu
… haven’t yet fully imagined, become more urgent. Harari (2017) … well, embodying the kami
(spirits or natural forces like rivers … before, it has been heightened by the many upheavals in the …

[图书][B] 大学英语阅读初阶教程

雷蕾, 晏生宏 - 2021 - books.google.com
… “At the same time, the background noise might cause the subjects to be in a slightly heightened
state … What could be possible reasons in urgent need of mental non-specialists EXCEPT …

全球在地化之感官經驗及其文化表現: 以[台北101] 與[閃亮三姐妹] 為例

林建廷, 黃宗儀 - 2005 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… world granted by the political laws becomes particularly urgent and needy in the global era
… to multiplying sensory experiences of eating, drinking, listening and seeing due to various …

[图书][B] 环境科学专业英语教程

马占青 - 2005 - books.google.com
… City planners know how to build housing and design safe drinking water systems, but not
how to make them affordable for the poorest members of society. The solutions to these …

[PDF][PDF] Exotic Image, Healthy Exercise, Modern Beauty and Traditional Virtue: The Glocalization of Belly Dance in Taiwan ྎ‴ ேዪᛶ࡜ ࣮࣋ࣜࢲࣥࢫ 㸸ኚᐜࡍࡿዪᛶࡽࡋࡉ࡟ …‎

Y CHANG - core.ac.uk
… Finally, I’m going to review related studies and then introduce the purposes and methods
used in this study. … Third, I will review belly-dance-related studies in the West and in Taiwan. …

電影形式與媒介共生: 一九八零年代台灣的城市與電影

鄧紹宏 - 2017 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… of form is often subsumed under more urgent social critique adopting universal, and …
He encounters a dysfunctional family of alcoholic husband, snappy wife, and playful children…