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… the combination vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping … of cases, we did not find
any statistically significant correlationrate after the introduction of routine 2+1 dose schedule


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… different age groups in diphtheria antibody positive rates (χ 2 =… DT (diphtheria & tetanus)
vaccination for third grade junior is … of diphtheria-containing vaccine for adolescents or adults so …

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… To reduce the incidence and mortality rateof tetanus and … compiled this document in the
reference with Position Paper by … (diphtheria,tetanus and acellular pertussis combined vaccine,…


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… Effect of different immunization schedules on diphtheria … , to provide reference for effective
monitoring of diphtheria IgG … ) of diphtheria IgG antibody and antibody positive rate were …

gmmSZ the routine curettage not only fails to netria ZSmmmmS but, by lacerating the subendo-Portio, 體vessels, augments the bleeding in pro

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… are better as regards both the frequency of the occurrence of iritis … clinical cases of tetanus
in which an intraspinal injection of … altered the course of laryngeal diphtheria in this respect. …

灘authorities, 鷺suggests that something spec

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cases of tetanus in Europe and in America with a death-rate of … In a second chart which Dr.
Nicoll showed the recovered … reported as having suffered from diphtheria or scarlet fever. The …

[HTML][HTML] Pain Response Comparison Between Two Different Vaccinations 兩種疫苗的疼痛反應對比

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… (PCV-13) vaccine and diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, acellular … was conducted during routine
vaccination appointments in a … heart rate, respiration, and sweating can be used to assess …

[HTML][HTML] 长春长生疫苗事件后公众预防接种意愿网络调查

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… for developing vaccination-related education programs and … ′s diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus
(DPT) vaccination and the … to the management on vaccine safety incidents and carry out …

[PDF][PDF] Materna 丨and child health and family planning: Current needs and future orientation1

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… gap between rates of diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus (three … An analysis of the use of services
in relation to distance from … programme components, such as the Expanded Programme on …


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… Besides the routine vaccines, there are also vaccines that people … general cases occurring
everyday when people get vaccinated, … Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid for older children/adults