eo--|: 器內

GS GS - Michigan Math. J, 1986 - projecteuclid.org
… the assumption that 2 is invertible in R. More recently, Giffen … Let R be a ring with unit and
an involution r – F (ie, F = r and (… projective R-module M. The isometry classes of hyperbolic …


赵玉娥, 杜先能 - 数学季刊, 2013 - sxjk.magtechjournal.com
… Let R be a ring and M a right R-module. Recall that a module M is called SP(SF) injective (see
[1]), if every R… ) right ideal aR of R to M can be extended to an endomorphism of M. In [2], a …


陳厚伊 - 2009 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… review the notions of coherent modules, derived categories and the projective limits of 2-…
As usual, we denote by DX the sheaf of rings of differential operators on X. Recall that a bi-…


张瑞斌, 张晓 - 山东大学学报(理学版), 2011 - lxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn
… [25] in terms of projective modules,a language commonly … Let 珔hbe a real indeterminate,and
denote by [[珔h]]the ring of … It is easy to see that if g is invertible,then g0 is nonsingular. …


許乃珩 - 2018 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… Let R be a complete discrete valuation ring or a field. If Λ is an … projective module is the
projective cover of a simple module. Conversely, the projective cover of a simple module is an …

[PDF][PDF] 血the TTTTTTS abdul S Salann

S Helmke - SMR - indico.ictp.it
… For example, if H is an ample divisor on a smooth projectiveR be a normal local Noetherian
ring, denote by S = Spec R … Let X be a normal variety, L be an invertible sheaf on X and let …


施建宏, 楊一帆 - 2012 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… Borcherds forms of weight 0 that generate the field of modular functions on (1)/WD and use
… (1) O is a ring whose elements are integral and R ⊗ O = H. (2) O is an R-ideal that is a ring. …


PH Berman, MF Singer - 1999 - singer.math.ncsu.edu
… or, equivalently, one whose Galois group is a reductive group… We note that the ring 2 is a left
and right euclidean domain. In … This follows from the fact that the projection of a constructible …


凃芳婷, 楊一帆 - 2013 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
… by k ↦→ hkh−1, for some invertible element h of B. Therefore, … For a non-Archimedean local
field K, we let R be its ring of … ⊗Q R, we now let i∞ : B ↩→ M(2, R) be the projection onto the …

[PDF][PDF] GgMeS AA AMSAMMS AAAAAS A Ueſ S 存SaaS 35-392, 000c

R PELLIKAAN - Proc. London Math. Soc.(3), 1988 - win.tue.nl
… = 0, in the case where X is non-singular. In § 5 we characterize … ; we set J“: 9–J"9 for the
projection map. Let I be an ideal in C. … Let (R, m) be a local Noetherian ring with maximal ideal m. …