C2H2 型锌指蛋白家族与喉恶性肿瘤的研究进展

李文静, 刘鸣 - 山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报, 2021 - ebhyxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn
… (ZNFs), the largest family of transcription factors in humans, are characterized by multiple …
CircEHMT1 inhibits metastatic potential of breast cancer cells by modulating miR-1233-3p/…

Daxx 調控非編碼長RNA 之鑑定及分析

黃天祺 - 2012 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… HOTAIR was found to alter the PRC2 occupancy and therefore … proteins including numerous
transcription factors, our results … in 8p11-12 which can modulate regional gene expression, …

dBRWD3 在維持正常表觀遺傳體中的重要性

LK Chen - 臺灣大學分子醫學研究所學位論文, 2013 - airitilibrary.com
… (DEGs) that are directly or indirectly modulated by dBRWD3. Chromatin states analysis …
histone marks or loss of H3.3 occupancy at transcription start site in up-regulated DEGs or down-…

RNA 介导的DNA 甲基化路径在植物抗病中的研究进展

耿帅锋, 李爱丽, 毛龙 - 中国农业科学, 2015 - chinaagrisci.com
… PolIVb influences RNA-directed DNA methylation independently of its role in siRNA biogenesis.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008…

人類組蛋白甲基轉化酶SMYD3 在DNA 修復功能上扮演的角色探討

陳韻茹 - 2017 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… that SMYD3 modulates another hallmark of cancer, DNA repair, by stimulating transcription
of … involved in regulation of transcription factor activity, DNA binding, enzyme activity and …

EB 病毒極早期蛋白Rta 在上皮細胞中造成病毒再活化之分子機制

陳嬿如 - 國立臺灣大學微生物學研究所學位論文, 2014 - airitilibrary.com
… 利用電腦分析,Rta與CTCF都辨認著富含GC的DNA序列,且此兩種DNA序列具有高度的相似性

NELF-A 和RNA 聚合酶II 延伸对衰老的调控

CT Ong, ZK Ngian - 中国神经再生研究(英文版), 2024 - sjzsyj.com.cn
… such as DNA methylation, nucleosome occupancy, specific … molecular chaperones that
modulate protein homeostasis and … Yellow and birch ovals denote other transcription factors. …

探討SMYD3 在同源重組中扮演的角色

王品瑀 - 2016 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… Results showed that occupation of H3K4me3 was abolished on … Thus, SMYD3 may modulate
the constitutive expression of … as restricted in transcription factors and transcription factor

Oct4 轉錄調控網路參與肺癌惡化及抗藥性之機制探討

王憶卿 - 2016 - nckur.lib.ncku.edu.tw
… tifs contained the DNA elements for transcription factors such as … into the roles of Oct4 in
modulating downstream target genes… Interestingly, we found high Oct4 occupancy at gene body …

非生物胁迫下植物DNA 甲基化研究进展

刘治民, 杨芷怡, 冀凤丹, 梅志超, 于佳慧… - 生物技术 …, 2020 - biotech.aiijournal.com
… modifications,the role of DNA methylation in regulating abiotic … in plant DNA methylation and
abiotic stress under DNA stress,… HsfA1(Heat shock transcription factor A1s)是参与热胁迫响应…