[PDF][PDF] 股四头肌结构功能改变在膝骨关节炎发病中的研究进展

康知然, 龚利, 戴大城 - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different

[PDF][PDF] 瘦素抵抗与糖尿病相关研究进展

荣灿, 胡云 - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different

[PDF][PDF] 以多浆膜腔积液为首发表现的老年多发性骨髓瘤1 例

薛冰艳, 史青林, 徐瑞彤, 汤琪云, 朱国琴 - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different

[PDF][PDF] 肠道菌群与老年衰弱的研究进展

郭蔚, 刘艳丽, 卢霞, 王沙沙, 燕杏钰 - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different

[PDF][PDF] RANK 基因甲基化与新疆农牧区老年男性衰弱相关性研究

卓娅 - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different

[PDF][PDF] 老年多发性骨髓瘤住院病人自我感受负担现状及其影响因素分析

褚红, 陈雁, 应秀华, 王蒨, 黄婷 - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different

[PDF][PDF] 1598 例老年皮肤病住院病人临床资料分析

樊娇娇, 曹艳, 张安平 - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different

[PDF][PDF] 3C 检查表在颅脑外伤手术老年病人中的应用效果

陈慧, 吴梅, 童孜蓉, 赵倩, 吴娟, 邵正群, 毕立清… - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different

[PDF][PDF] Pcv-aCO2/Ca-cvO2 联合快速序贯器官功能衰竭评分对老年感染性休克病人预后的预测价值

赵婷婷, 王慧, 薛乾隆, 李文卉, 韩树池 - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different

[PDF][PDF] 新型高流量湿化氧疗对老年卒中相关性肺炎病人的治疗效果

胡樱, 陆敏, 詹慧 - 实用老年医学, 2021 - sylnyx.com
Correlation of body composition and bone mineral density with aging CAO Ming,RUAN Lei,…
the correlation between body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) among different