新冠疫情下基督宗教醫治觀念及實踐的倫理糾結: The Ethical Challenges to Christian Healing in the Covid-19 Pandemic

WL KWOK - … of Chinese & Comparative Philosophy of …, 2021 - ejournals.lib.hkbu.edu.hk
… Valerio, Ruth and Gideon Heugh, “A Christian perspective on COVID-19,” Tearfund, … /resources/tools-and-guides/covid-19-tearfund-a-christianperspective-on-covid-19-en.pdf. …

疫情时期基督徒的心灵状态分析: 基于教会论, 圣礼, 末世论

CUI Renzhong - 中国基督教研究, 2023 - airitilibrary.com
… The COVID-19 pandemic is a severe test for people all over the world. From a macro
perspective… community, this paper intends to briefly analyze the mental state of Christians during …

… 探討線上聖餐之神聖性再現= The Divinity Reappearance of Online Live Stream Eucharist: Viewed from John Calvin's Vision of Sacraments in Institutes of the Christian …

林青岳 - 2020 - ir.taitheo.org.tw
… 論文提要內容:(共一冊,分四章,10 節),約31000 字 本研究針對2020年新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)…
values of the sacred from the perspective of essential Christianity. Chapter 4 concludes with …

後疫情之培育父母塑造孩子-從[分齡, 跨代, 家庭] 三工場談起

H Yu - 建道學刊, 2024 - airitilibrary.com
… Churches nowadays are facing two major impacts; one is the influence of the covid-19
From the perspective of being a pastor at a church, the author provides some constructive …

知識水平, 負面情緒與新冠虛假信息的第三人效果: 一項來自新加坡的研究

GX ZHANG, WEI Ran, JL QIU - 傳播與社會學刊, 2023 - airitilibrary.com
… The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic accompanied by the widespread dissemination …
perspective of the third-person effect, this research aimed to explore how exposure to Covid-19

[PDF][PDF] 大历史视野中的人类景观

俞孔坚 - Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 2021 - lafrontiers.com
… 长达一年多的新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,留给我许多不快甚至… ” was delivered by David Christian,
a famous educator and … offers us a magnificent, unprecedented Big History perspective to …

理解印尼消費者對COVID-19 的反應: 對電子商務企業的影響

T FIRZA - 中原大學國際商學碩士學位學程學位論文, 2023 - airitilibrary.com
… This study examines the response of Indonesian consumers to the COVID-19 pandemic …
dynamics of consumer behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia and provides …

預期信用損失與企業現金管理: 兼論COVID-19 疫情之影響

余承美 - 臺中科技大學會計資訊系碩士班學位論文, 2022 - airitilibrary.com
… 2017 to 2020 including the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results … of risk pricing during the
COVID-19, leading to substantial … of cash holding during the COVID-19 pandemic. Collectively, …

對疾病發源國的國際咎責——以COVID-19 為例

向恩 - 2023 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… 事實上,綜觀國家間齊心抗疫之經驗,COVID-19 並非各國首次面… COVID-19 為世界帶來前所未有
的不便,此議題方再度受到重視. … 的優劣勢,最後再針對本次COVID-19 疫情,探討對疾病發源國 之…

移動式COVID-19 檢測單位: 醫療工作者的熱壓力及腎損傷

張登翔 - 2023 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… 的疫情之一,在COVID-19 疫情期 間,許多國家普遍使用移動式的COVID-19 檢測單位,由於在…
為了防止受到COVID-19 病毒感染,醫療工作者穿著的個人防護具包 括醫療防護服,含濾網的口罩…