
刘艳, 刘娜, 于洪志, 吕传宝… - Progress in Modern …, 2017 - search.ebscohost.com
镁离子是人体内最丰富的阳离子之一, 在机体许多的细胞功能中都发挥重要作用,
参与体内多种重要的生物合成过程. 硫酸镁是一种传统药物, 在预防和治疗母亲与胎儿相关的各 …

[引用][C] 硫酸镁的麻醉协同作用

黄平 - 医学文选, 2003 - cqvip.com
硫酸镁的麻醉协同作用-[维普官方网站]-www.cqvip.com-维普网  我的维普 购物车 充值 客服 首页
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[引用][C] 硫酸镁对麻醉用药的影响

邓华, 庾俊雄 - 华夏医学, 2010 - cqvip.com
镁离子(Mg^ 2+) 是人体内重要的阳离子之一, 它的生理功能相当复杂, 人体内多数酶的激活,
激素受体结合, 神经递质的释放等重要过程都需要镁的参与. 近年来随着对镁离子的研究逐渐 …

Magnesium in obstetric anesthesia and intensive care

MS Kutlesic, RM Kutlesic, T Mostic-Ilic - Journal of anesthesia, 2017 - Springer
Magnesium, one of the essential elements in the human body, has numerous favorable
effects that offer a variety of possibilities for its use in obstetric anesthesia and intensive care …


赵忠春, 崔晓光 - 新医学, 2015 - cqvip.com
硫酸镁为生理性镁离子补充剂, 天然的非竞争性N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体阻滞剂以及钙通道阻滞
剂. 在围手术期应用硫酸镁能够抑制应激反应, 辅助镇痛, 抗炎, 其还具有抗苏醒期躁动 …

Magnesium and the obstetric anaesthetist

C Dean, J Douglas - International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, 2013 - Elsevier
Magnesium is one of the most abundant cations in the human body. It is utilised extensively
within the medical world and its role in the treatment of various conditions in both mother …

[HTML][HTML] Applications of magnesium sulfate in obstetrics and anesthesia

FT Barbosa, LT Barbosa, MJ Jucá… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2010 - SciELO Brasil
Magnesium is the second most abundant intracellular cation1, 2 and the fourth when the
extracellular medium is also considered1. As a cofactor, it is involved in more than 300 …

[HTML][HTML] Magnesium: a versatile drug for anesthesiologists

SH Do - Korean journal of anesthesiology, 2013 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Magnesium sulfate has been used in preeclampsia patients in order to prevent seizure. It is
also used for the treatment of arrhythmia and asthma and as an anesthetic adjunct in …

硫酸镁: 一种老药的新应用

罗苏琦, 王常松, 李恩有 - 国际麻醉学与复苏杂志, 2013 - cqvip.com
背景近几年, 随着临床医学的飞速发展, 药物应用的不断实践, 探索和总结,
硫酸镁在各个学科领域的应用越来越广泛. 目的综述硫酸镁在临床中的新用途及对传统应用的新 …


金晶, 邹丽 - 妇产与遗传: 电子版, 2014 - cqvip.com
硫酸镁是产科的经典药物之一, 在产科的使用已有上百年的历史. 1906 年国外首次应用硫酸镁椎
管内注射以控制破伤风引起的抽搐[1], 从而得到启示可将其用于治疗子痫引起的抽搐 …